Can you send me n00dz?
Can you join in our contest?
Nahhh.. I Dun wan
Can we use your pic to be our site model?
Don't!! It copyright!! I'll sue you
What's up?@!
Is teddymoon your real name?
No, read my about me.
Where are you from?
SomeWhere In ThiS plaNet..... SeriousLy!!
Can i make a fake of you?
Fuck you.
Would you make me sign for me?
No, unless i like you or your my friend.
Can you you whore me?
Do you have over 15K?
Can you help me out with html?
Search it by urself
Why don't you comment/message me back?
I get alot of shit a day, chill bro!
Can you photoshop something for me?
I don't do photoshop,dun have much time to do.
Who does your hair?
Why are you so pretty?
Why are you so ugly?
Will you join/apply for my train?
Only if it's a really good one.
My HeaRt.. my soul..
taken by this Muhamad nazLi Bin hj. suPArDi
ThIs bOY iS sO AmAZiNg.. CaN'T BeLieVe He's in My liFe..He mAKEs Me ThiNkiNg oF Him.. EVeRy siNgLe of my breATh...AND HIs BroWN EyEs MaKe Me MeLT WhEn He sTaRIng aT My Me.. OHhH!!I loVe U MorE thaN OtHErs!!
**SaYe saYaNg dIe kEtat2.. HoHo..BaBy PowN saMe