BeEGo profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

ThE nAmE is Wan.. Was bOrnEd On 04th JuLy 19**.. nOtHiNg SpEcIaL aBoUt Me.. BuT i'm SpEciaL tO SuMone WhO lOves Me LoAdS!! CurrEnt LocAtiOn is iN PutraJAya.. ShOrt, fAt aNd rigHt hAndEd.. i'M nOt as gOOd lOOking as u sEe. SimpLe yEt eLegAnT.. I not smOke n drInK.. huhu.. i'M stUbbOrN aNd LaZy.. NorMal EnOuGh tO knOw tHat mYseLf wEirD... BuT tOO dAmn wEird tO dO aNytHinG abOut iT.. I undErstAnd peOpLE, peOpLE dOn't undErsTand mE... Plg X skE Org yG kuAt MnipU! LOvE mYsELf, wiTh mY Own daMn LifE.. My lOVElY mOtheR N fAtHEr.. My GEtZ.. NoW, WorK At MoF.. pUtRAjaYA.. OrG GoV lOrH.. hUhU.. LIViN It Up To tHe fuLL as fuLL as poSsiBLle.. TrY tO judgE mE aNd u'LL knOw whAt i sAy...

My Interests

sLeEpinG.. sHoPpIn.. TrAVeLLiNg.. cLuBbIn.. SwImMiNg.. ChAtTIn.. WaTcHiNg.. JuMpiNG..

I'd like to meet:

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iNdIe RoCk, RnB, slow roCK, rEnggAtoN, ravE, TrancE N rap..


aLL mOviE hOrrOr..tHriLLer..LoVe & & MrS hEr girLS..D fASt & ThE fUriOus..dudE..WHeRe's My Car?..CiNtA (hUhu)..300..hArrY pOttEr.. FaNTasTic 4.. MEeT SparTaNS.. AmeRiCaN Pie 1 2 3 4 5 6 and LoTs mOrE..


dOC..sEx n The citY..tHE hiiLs..fEar FaCtOr..AmEriCa idOL..Las VeGas..AMazInG rAce..AmERICa NeXt ToP mOdeL..StOOpid ReALiTy ShOWs..


cLeO.. hIm WorLd!! MaLe..CaRly PhIlIp'S..DiCTiOnArY..