w.I.e.D.a.H profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

My Interests

shopping:tidor:chocolate!! my family...
mummy : bro : sis
only in my heart...

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I'd like to meet:

ABOUT ME : wiwie

Name: wiedah:wiwie
Age: 21
Location: pOpSoDa
Gender: Female
Love: myb tak kan ada lagi
Status: sIngLe
Hero: my BIG bRo
Kids: jUz 4 fUnS

c h o c o l a t e s!!!!!

wow...mmg sedap...i'm so crazy about chocs...best kn klu org yang kite sayang bg kat kite...ermm...so romantic...tp xtau la biler nak dpt...
c h o c o l a t e s c h o c o l a t e s c h o c o l a t e s w.i.w.i.e.w.i.w.i.e.w.i.w.i.e.w.i.w.i.e.w.i.w.i.e.w.i.w.i.e

hola korg...!!korg bleh paggil aku wiedah or wiwie...aku nie simple jer...aku ank last...ader abang n kakak...so manje but i'm not gediks...sangat pemalu (biler org xknl la..)huhu...org akn cakap aku nie sombong(aku xkesah pon)...but klu korg dah knl aku bukan cam gtu...hehe... thnx frenz yg ADD aku...

wiwie hanya on9 d opis shj...bcoz free...hahhaalUrVe yUo aLwaYs wiwie da rocks : chill : crazy : cute : n so shy..

Love is ...precious Memories : like to lurve but i'm so takut for jatuh cinta one more time...
by wiwie


She was a waitress in a small truck stop and worked the night shift. He came in to get a snack and coffee as he was working and driving a UPS truck. When she poured his coffee,she noticed his good lucks and smile. Now ,wonder if I can fix him up with my grown daughter, she thought! Time passed and she got to know and cherish his friendship, no,he wasn't married and yet, he was ten years younger than she. Three years after meeting, and not seeing him for two of those years, his route had been changed, He called her daughter , he was returning a call to him,and was told "Mom is divorced now" Bells rang and his heart sang and he called her for a date, They dated eleven years and then in 1987 married, as all six of her children were now grown, She asked "So ,handsome why did you date and marry me again?" He said "So I would save money on tips!" they now live happily ever after, 30

Brought to you by someone special...


u like shopink???let's go with me...i'm crazy about that....erm...nak cter cket la kan...klu korg g shopink per jer yg korg bli erk???beg?kasut?baju?suwa? or anything else...n korg rse berbaloi x???4 me...xbleh tension...bcoz...knape???cbb klu aku tension aku akn shopink xigt duit...hehe...teruk cket la...n korg rse la kan patut tak duit kt sndiri tu kt lokek...ermmm patut kan..huhu...bkn aper...tu slh satu berjimat gak...hahaha... say LURVE 4 shopink....cuci mate jerk pon boleh...


let's dance together...music in my life....aku tau aku xreti nyanyi...tp xtau la knaper...dengan music jgk aku rse hidup nie cam teng jerk....n bleh rest kan otk cket...ermmm...aper korang rase biler g clubbing??? bg aku enth la... say enjoy 4 ur self.... Shut it out loud!!kengkawan sekalian disini ya cumen....


i'm luk like a child..
and very crazy to tengok cartoon la...
every saturday n sunday : 8.00 untill 3.00

korean OST...
"full house"
"princess lulu"

all crite at TV3..
emil emilda : sindarela : dunia baru
susuk : anak pontianak




my big brother... yeah!! lurve u bro..

My Blog

cinta antara kita...

sejak dari dulu ku menyintaimu kau tahu begitu namun kau berpura ku masih teringat kau peluk diriku yang telah membuatku menyintaimu sudah berapa lama diriku ini tak bertemu mu mungkin ku harap jua ka...
Posted by w.I.e.D.a.H on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 01:14:00 PST

aku benci perasaan aku

aku benci perasaan aku... erm... aku tau aku xlawa... aku tau aku xpandai.. aku tau aku kurus... aku tau aku x6pk cam gurl yg control ayu... aku tau aku 6pk sombong klu xknl... aku tau orang nak kwn n...
Posted by w.I.e.D.a.H on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 01:35:00 PST


ermmm... kenaper la lelaki nie sukar difahami... ader yg terlalu memilih.. ader yg tak cukup satu... ader yg memakse... ader yg ganas... ader yg jiwang... ader yg tak nak faham... ader pulak tu nak yg...
Posted by w.I.e.D.a.H on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 01:26:00 PST

i'm not

Posted by w.I.e.D.a.H on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 02:29:00 PST