Chris Kohinga Band profile picture

Chris Kohinga Band

Welcome to Chris Kohinga's worship music site.

About Me

What am I about?. Without trying to sound too "spiritual" I'm about touching Gods heart, hopefully with a sound that echos the sound of heaven. All song writers write from the depth of lifes experiances. What I aim to do is create songs that reflect my own relationship with my Father, His Son and His Holy Spirit. Living a worshipping lifestyle is what I was created for. I long for the day when I will join with all of heaven singing praises to my God. This site is a place where worshippers and worship leaders can come and hear what I hope to be songs that echo the sounds of heaven. We are regularly writing new songs and will put them up in acoustic mixes whenever we think one is good enough to share. My prayer is that these songs will encourage you to go deeper into Gods presence and find the fullness of joy that awaits every believer. Our recordings will be simple and uncomplicated, but then so is God!!. I do hope that you will be blessed. For His glory. Chris

My Interests


Member Since: 3/16/2006
Band Website: This is it. Right here. You are here. Right now.
Band Members: Chris Kohinga: Guitar and Vocal, Mike Lane: Djembe, Didgeridu, Duduk, D-Whistle, Don Kohinga: Electric & acoustic guitars, bass, Stewart Kohinga: Electric guitar, bass, keys,
Influences: The 3 men we admire most- the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost
Sounds Like: I've been likend to Mac Powell a fair bit but always maintain the fact that I'm older than Mac. I think I sound alot like me.
Record Label: CKB Worship
Type of Label: Indie