Art(no the museum or the galleries stuff, but the expresion thing)/Politics(no politicians,but the way people interacts)/Music&Soundmaking/Drugs/Sex/OUR planet/...that's it
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Gente chevere y no muy prejuiciosa en la ciudad de Bogotá (será mucho pedir?)y en la república colombiana que escuche buena musica y vea buen cine. *bandas creativas en america latina *Japanese Bands!!!!! (they fucking rule)***- FUNNY PEOPLE AND GOOD BANDS =) -
Anything that doesn't sound conventional an boring (like all these "new" rock & punk bands!!!)**********(Right now::electro/trip.hop/punk&postpunk/acid/progressive/sto ner/noise/ambient/jazz/ and of course J.S. Bach)
Stanley Kubrik_Harmony Corine_ Luis Ospina_ "Hombre mirando al sudeste" de Eliseo Subiela_ Buster Keaton _Jim Jarmush ___Takeshi Kitano and many others-
Cowboy Beebop// Ren & Stimpy //31 minutos //[adult swim]//South Park //Space Adventure Cobra+++ many old cartoons...(not much tv really!)
RaulGomezJattin FiodrDostoievski NeilStrauss JulioCortazar ArthurSchoppenhauer CarlSagan CharlesBukowski BillWatterson
Huh... fuck them?