SinLechuga profile picture



About Me

here, sort of.

My Interests

text, tectonic thinking, video, the void, poems i like, panic attacks, exit strategies, homeostatic soil organisms, holding patterns, surveillance, fresh air, running water, real-time machines, deep-sea fish, grass-fed beef, not missing the previews, collaborative space, search engine optimization, incongruity, sincerity, irony, earth and overcast colors, iron infusion therapy, retroactive boredom, real life

I'd like to meet:

can i unmeet somebody instead?




dead man, lost boys, nashville, final destination 2, final destination 3, save the last dance, valley girl, nausicaa of the valley of the wind, return to oz, schizopolis, no such thing, basic instinct, the conversation, they live, the man with one red shoe, never been kissed, girls just want to have fun, blue velvet, a history of violence, eXistenZ, weird science, punch-drunk love, drive me crazy, contempt, primer, full frontal, adaptation, amadeus, grease 2, 25th hour, the thin red line, in the company of men, donnie darko, kate and leopold (director's cut), control room, the big lebowski, v for vendetta, before sunset, g.i. joe the movie, jennifer lopez: the reel me, blow-up, zero effect, mr jealousy, mulholland drive, out of sight, bring it on, the truman show, the guru, the player, the 'burbs, bubble boy, short cuts, shattered glass, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, in the mirror of maya deren, the stunt man, inside man, stalag 17, freddie got fingered, the departed, wild things, the last unicorn.


battlestar galactica, k street, the (uk) office, tanner '88, unscripted, buffy, angel, laguna beach


crown octavo (8vo), octavo (8vo), medium octavo (8vo), royal octavo (8vo), super octavo (8vo), imperial octavo (8vo), quarto (4to), sexagesimo-quarto (64mo), quadragesimo-octavo (48mo), tricesimo-secondo (32mo), octodecimo (18mo), sextodecimo (16mo), duodecimo (12mo), folio (fo.), elephant folio (fo.), atlas folio (fo.), double elephant folio (fo.)


shirt for pants

My Blog

New poetry chapbook: Dan Hoy's Outtakes

My poetry chapbook, Outtakes, is now out on Lame House Press for $5Sample poem on H_NGM_N...
Posted by SinLechuga on Tue, 15 May 2007 08:41:00 PST

Sinlechuga recordings online

New audio recordings of Dan Hoy poems up on MiPOesiasFormer Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce powered by ODEOThe Buffalo powered by ODEODon't Forget the Cocaine powered by ODEO...
Posted by SinLechuga on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 05:46:00 PST

SOFT TARGETS 7.11 agitprop

from the SOFT TARGETS v.1.1 NYC launch, 7.11 at the Paula Cooper Gallery: artforum: scene and herd
Posted by SinLechuga on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 10:12:00 PST

SOFT TARGETS bicoastal launch parties -- NY: July 11 / LA: July 22

Friends, Allies, Enemies, High Society, Body Politic, Rich Immigrants, Squatters, Soft Targets:This notification is to announce the launch of SOFT TARGETS, a handheld journal of poetry, artwork, cri...
Posted by SinLechuga on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 07:42:00 PST


seriously: click and vote!
Posted by SinLechuga on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Dodgeball review

Once we realized that Ben Stiller was doing a Tom Cruise impersonation it got a lot better.
Posted by SinLechuga on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

review: Supersystem's Always Never Again

A lazy reviewer might dismiss the album as a mixed bag of disparate styles and inane lyrics (see phoned-in Pitchfork review). But Always Never Again is more cohesive and unabashedly catchy than El Gua...
Posted by SinLechuga on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

review of Never Been Kissed

From the creators of Drew Barrymore comes this uncanny indictment of the post-millennial* condition. The public sphere swallows privacy whole in its quest to make all intimacy ironic (e.g. reality TV,...
Posted by SinLechuga on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

review of Soderbergh's Solaris

Soderbergh said "If we do our job right it should be a cross between 2001 and Last Tango in Paris." Which means they did their job only half-right: there's no real connection between Clooney and what'...
Posted by SinLechuga on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Shape of Things review

Neil LaBute's latest foray into interpersonal carnage easily misconstrued (like his Your Friends & Neighbors and In the Company of Men) as the bitter product of a misanthrope. And like its playish pre...
Posted by SinLechuga on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST