Well well....... I know I know it has been like forever since I have written anything on this page! But with keeping up with my New Years Resolution ***Communicating more with my friends*** I think I have been doing a jam up job of being successful at it so far! (well....and a lot of you sending me such nice emails telling me how GREAT it is that you actually got to hear from me) That has been very uplifting for me. (Big smile)And I know some of you are shaking your head because I have not returned many of your calls... (((MAHENDRA))) Please don't be frustrated with me. For one you know I hate talking on the phone and second you know what all more so than anyone else all the crap I have been going through lately. You know you are my best bud!! I can't wait to see you at work. (Smile) We always have a blast when we get to hang out. ***ok and fellas just because I mentioned one of my top friends name on my page don't start sending me hate mail n crap.*** Mahendra is my very best friend at work so get over it!
Back to what I was saying, I was doing a WONDERFUL job last week of getting all of your emails answered. Oh well then I had to go and answer a bulletin from....you know I am going to say who you are... ~Lane Baby~ he he he. Oh YES! The (((30 Questions))) post. I know you all know what I am talking about. Well to say the least I never ever expected the massive amount of friends that replied to my post! Here now you know this post oh, only giving me about a few HUNDRED emails that I need to reply to. Which reminds me...."Mahendra" you did not send me the post?? What was up with that? You must be getting busy/behind in your department. (Eigh)? All I did was reply to friends on this one fricken post. But I have learned quite a bit about so many of you through this one little post. I think that in it self makes it all worth it to me. If I have not replied to your email yet on the (30 QUESTIONS) I am in the process of doing so. SO don't freak out on me ok? k? okay?
Ok NOW moving on................
Not that I don't like answering a lot of your emails asking how the kids are. Everybody loves talking about there kids but I feel like I might be able to slim down on some of the emails to come by letting you know just how "they are" here goes,
Where to start? Hmmmm well lets say 14 going on 29! Yes that grand age where you are the idiot and they know everything there is to know about ANYTHING. Not that Erz was not smart from the time she was born there is that line between being smart and being a smart ass. lol lol she has mastered this skill and I think she would make an excellent professor. That is if there is ever an actual college course where you can go get a degree in SMARTASSOLOGY!
Bub'e is doing good. I guess I can't complaine. He is a boy thought and god lovem they get into trouble I swear sometimes with out doing a thing. :)
Most everything is the same with bub'e He doesn't like change just like me ya know. But I will keep you guys posted.
Well things with chy are getting a whole lot better. She is enjoying school more so that is a huge plus! Still fighting with her brother and sister. And yesssss she still has her daddy wrapped around her finger. I just crack up when he says no and she cries and he gives her whatever it was he didn't want her to have.......Go figure. he he he
We been Heely n!! I have to admit I am getting better. Its something me and chy like to do. So far we have not fallen. :)
OK I know most of you HAVE NOT downloaded the new MYSPACEIM. Please get it! Ok?....Okay
[email protected] -------- [email protected] [email protected] -----If you send any mail here or are waiting for me to pop up on messenger here.....You may get old and die before I get your message.
Generate your own contact table!