Myspace Layouts at / Pretty birds & flowers
Buried at PhotoCasket.comHi, I'm Sylvia and I have 3 children and 1 grandson. I adore each and everyone of them.They're funny and talented and just great kids. My daughter,Krissy, (aka yunajewel) plays guitar and has a very pretty voice. My youngest son, Jamie, plays guitar and sings backup vocals in his band. His nickname is "little jam-jam"because all he wants to do is play shows, jam with his band members, and he plays alone when none of them are around. My eldest son is the artist in the family, but he rarely has time to do anything but work, and when he's not working you can find him spending all his extra time with his son.My daughter wants to start a family soon, and I'll love having another baby in the family to love and adore.I guess you can tell that my biggest priority is my family and spending as much time as possible with them. For myself, I love the beach, the sound of the surf relaxes me. I'm a big animal lover too and I love to sit outside and watch the butterflies going from one flower to the next.I love to lay on a lawn chair or blanket when it's dark outside and watch the star's. It's so beautiful. I love going out to nice restaurants and I love going to parties with my friends. My favorite thing to do though is going out to where ever my sons band is playing. They're so good live and It's so much fun. They're awesome, and VERY cute guys. I love the ocean and sunsets. I'm pretty much a night bird and almost always happy. I like good music and good movies and of course I love all my friends. I play guitar, but not as much anymore because I'm getting arthritis (blah!) and that holds me back alot. Well if you want to be my friend, just ask and I'll check out your profile too.In the meantime everyone have fun and stay happy!!!!
HOT MySpace Comments & HOT MySpace Layouts
HOT MySpace Comments & HOT MySpace Layouts
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