Drama, music, films, radio 1, dressing up, clubs and pubs!
Lovely People....like Tom Cruise, Vernon Kay, Robbie Williams, Ian Watkins, Adam Sandler, Pink, Ryan Reynolds, Ashton Kutcher......and so on!.. START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
Which Top Gun Character Are You?
Thats right, Ice.....Man! I am, dangerous!!!
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The Killers, Pink, The Kooks, The Feeling, Robbie Williams, Jack Johnson, The Furtureheads, Coldplay, The White Strips, Snow Patrol, MOWTOWN music cuz its ace and 70's and 80's music cuz its cheese!!!!!
Everything and anything! TOP GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Created by Bart King
Men Behaving Badly, No Angels, Neighbours, The Simpsons, late night channel 4 crap including BB!
Dan Brown and all those!! Its something to think about isnt it?!
Beautiful people including:ADAM My big bruv My brain My bestest boySARAH My sexy lezbo friend My boob My lovely!!RACHEL My bum cheek My honest friend My hoeNICOLA My small friend My innocent friend My sillybillyJON My electro room buddy My other bum cheek My fuk buddyNICKI My flatmate My warden My clingfilm buddieNAT My flatmate My subject sharer My fellow waggerCAT My flatmate My retard My grinderKELLI My flatmate My sex on legs My drunked