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About Me

I play drums in Black Noise Cannon .
I also play in nov23 with e.Greenwalt of Black Noise Cannon. I also work with Richard Webb in his band, Ricard Webb and Friends.
I did the 2005 European tour with The Living Jarboe, featuring Jarboe (formerly of Swans), Paz Lenchantin (also of A Perfect Circle), and Mike Rollins.
I have also done session work with Fear of Dolls (shows and recordings) and C'est la Mort (shows), and many others.
I enjoy taking photos. Please visit: Phil Petrocelli Photography
I do graphic design and stuff. I do show posters, CD packaging, LP packaging, business cards, stickers, etc.... If you're in Seattle, then you've definitely seen my work around town. Please have a look at my design portfolio .
I am the proprietor of Petrocelli Designs, LLC . Please check it out.
My blog: Owe yourself, but no one else
I am also the proprietor of soultheft records .

Upcoming shows:

ON TOUR THROUGHOUT THE U.S. with JESU in October and November.


I'll be playing drums in the band, Dave Cochrane will be on bass, and, of course, Justin Broadrick on guitar and vocals. Please visit the Official Jesu MySpace page for dates. Please come to the shows.

BUY records that I play on (via iTunes).

BLACK NOISE CANNON - Unsaved: The reality of the silent war

My Interests

Living. Creating. Completion. Silence (in particular, yours). Coffee.

I'd like to meet:

Not so much "meet" as "meat".
Someone who understands that Bettie-Page-style bangs are played out.
People who understand that Tommy Aldridge is one of the most important drummers in rock.
People who understand that the "metal claw" move in front rows of metal shows says, "Hi. I'm a poser."
It's come to my attention that this guy is claiming to be the vocalist in your band. Please don't feed his delusions. A guy who runs out of breath this much could never be TRUE metal.

People who go on letter-writing campaigns. It's awesome.


Melvins, Godflesh, Pitch Shifter, Neurosis, The Clash, KISS, The Slits, Sex Pistols, Ice, Techno Animal, God, Robosapien, Black Noise Cannon, Fear of Dolls, Public Image, Ltd., Black Sabbath, Head of David, Discharge, Isis, Pelican, Justin Broadrick, Thrones, Swans, Angels of Light, Jarboe, Michael Gira, DJ K, Jesu, Christdriver, soultheft, Specs One, John Schuller, M.F. Doom, RUN-DMC, Vincent Gallo, The Bug, Twilight Circus Dub Sound System, Prince Far I, Kid-606, Sunn0))), Madvillain, Don Carlos, Miles Davis, Mahavishnu John McLaughlin, Boston, Steely Dan, Fleetwood Mac, Meshuggah, Portishead, Massive Attack, Venetian Snares, Phobia, Karp, Mono, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Black Flag, Fiona Apple, Mazzy Star, Half Light, Red House Painters, C'est la Mort, Leonard Cohen


Apocalypse Now, Trouble Every Day, Natural Born Killers, Deer Hunter, Eyes Wide Shut, Vulgar, anything Star Wars, They Live, The Element of Crime, Buffalo 66, Gummo, Julien Donkey Boy, How's Your News?, Best Boy, Irreversible, The Brown Bunny, Spellbound, Eyes Wide Shut, Goodfellas, Casino, The Godfather, Spider, 1984, Stevie, The Devil and Daniel Johnston, Off the Charts: The song-poem story, THX-1138, Joe, Driver 23, The Atlas Moth, Jackass 1 & 2


I've killed my television. 9+ years and TV-free. I still don't have enough time to do what I want to do. Amazing.


1984, Animal Farm, Ask the Dust, The Stranger, Understanding Media: The extensions of man, Amusing Ourselves to Death, Electronic Civil Disobedience, The Electronic Disturbance, T.A.Z., The Consumer, The Power of Limits, Flesh Machine, Women, Post Office, A New Kind of Science


Justin Broadrick, Kevin Martin, Dave Cochrane, Michael Gira, King Buzzo, Richard Feynman, Edward Tufte, intellects and thinkers who inspire, accessible people who are straight & clear in their 1-on-1 interactions, people who know when to leave me alone, Joe (Fuckin'!) Grindo , my brother Eric ,

Scott Jernigan (Karp, The Whip)
And my MAN.