Movies,music,concerts, film making, singing, belly dancing,photography,photomanipulation,...just ask
interesting, creative people
Nine Inch Nails,Tool,A Perfect Circle,Massive Attack,Vast,Dead Can Dance,Mike Patton(Tomahawk, Mr.Bungle etc.),U.N.K.L.E,Tricky,Lamb,QOTSA...etc..
David Lynch, Fight Club, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Labyrinth,Blade Runner, House of Flying Daggers, Monty Python and many more...And I love Cary Grant! -------------------------*NEW*:MirrorMask is amazing!
Neil Gaiman, Clive Barker, Alessandro Baricco, John Fowles - The Magus, P. Süskind, MichaelEnde, E.T.A Hoffman etc...