Painting + drawing, writing songs, playing music, designing and coding webpages, creating flash animations, eating, traveling/backpacking as much as my wallet will afford, watching tv, saving the world/animals/women, spoken word, hot air balloons, etc.
Buddy bands to play out with. Musicians.
80s mucic, new wave, old school rap like Run DMC, and still some punk
Europa, Europa. Kong. The Princess Bride. Also, embarrassed but I have the same tastes sometimes... as a 12 year old boy because I love sci fi and fantasy and comic heroes, etc. X-Men. The Lord of The Rings. The Time Machine.
Smallville cause I love the super hero aspect of it, and Lost. Oh and Beauty and the Geek for so many reasons. I love T.V.
The Time Machine by H.G. Wells changed my life forever. But when I was little I loved books... but my love of Television trumped my love of books. Now I'm addicted to T.V. and will be forced to buy Tivo so that I can have a social life.
Martin Luthor King, Whoopee Goldberg, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton