Art, Animal rescue, Beaches, Charities, Creativity, Concerts, Designing websites, Diet Rockstar, Environmentalism, Family, Friends, Feng Shui, Galleries, Gardening,Hiking, Home Restoration, Harleys, Happiness, Interior Design, Indie Films, Jewlery Making, Kickboxing, Lefthandedness, Music, Museums, Motercycles, New York City, Nature,Oceans, Painting, Photography, Piercings, Road trips, Reading a good book, Starbuck's Coffee, Travel, Tattoos, Vegetarianism, Venice Beach, Working Out, Writing, Yoga, Zen
Other artist.....
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Art School Confidential, Queen of the Damned, The Libertine, Pulp Fiction, Prey for rock n roll, Bound, The Red Violin, Fried green tomatoes, Edward Scissorhands, Powder, The Secretary
*Weeds *Arrested Development *Nip/Tuck *My name is Earl *The L Word *Absoulutely Fabulous *Six Feet Under
The Artists' Way, Running with Scissors, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (meet your food) (cool artist) (the hotest adult film star!)