"About Me"
I'm not here to spill my life or emotions on a canvas made for the world to read and make their own judgments on. I’m also not here to prove to anyone nor front anything that I’m not. This Isn't a popularity contest for me. I am what I am, take it or leave it! For those that really do know me, know that I’m highly family and friend oriented person. I will do anything in my power to make the relationships with them the best they can be and make our lives better with doing that. I’m highly driven… passionate and will stop at nothing to get what I set out for! I have gone thru things in my life that hardly anyone will experience for themselves. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone but wish everyone could take what I’ve learned from the hardships and take the negative to a positive spin on life. With that said, I live for the moment and always will nothing will change that. At the same time I do look down the road somewhat and have goals and aspirations without them you’re nothing. I’m what some people would consider “cocky†but it’s just tasteful confidence. What do you expect I work in the entertainment business. I think of myself as very modest and a lot of the people that are close to me think I down play myself too much but I think it keeps me grounded. I’m unique in many ways but that’s what makes the human race so beautiful. I can be hard to deal with and understand at times and also very headstrong. I’m addicted to women, “REAL†love, sports, music and art of all forms including yes, Tattoos!. MuCh LoVe AnD I'm OuT!! Bean
. You scored as
Drama nerd
Ghetto gangsta
What's Your High School Stereotype?
created with QuizFarm.com
About me: