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About Me

BLUE FIX is blues in the true old school fashion. the tapes found here are recently discovered recordings by these great but obscure bluesmen, who were active in the mid fifties until the early sixties, when sadly they were killed in separate mysterious accidents on the old hiways just outside las vegas on jan 3 1963. SHEEEIT. "BLUE FIX" is a really trashy little blues outfit erected by members of "THE BLAZE MALAISE" and "VALENSLUV" We just felt like getting really cheap and just all hangs out... slithering just between the fine line of the "classy" and "in-humane". after having achieved some notoriety in the deep blues and reds communities, they droppen into obscurity, until their bizarre simultaneous deaths occured, seemingly completely unrelated incidents. that was the last headline for the BLUE FIX. jan 4 1963 obituary read, blues giants andrew "slim" berenyi, and gregory "loverboy" valensluv were tragically but totally annihilated in two unrelated but nearly simultaneous firey car crashes on the outskirts of las vegas last night at about 3 am. "slim's car was hit by that there truck there, at the crossroad right up yonder," said patrolman freenbeen. and in the case of valensluv, no one is sure what really happened, he just drove into one of the few trees available for driving into, reported chief inspector chet angryman. no narcotics or alcohol were found in either vehicle, as the two estranged musicians had been completely sober for nearly 39 seconds. valensluv and berenyi met on the blues scene in memphis around 1953, and actually did back elvis on several of his early sun hits, as rumors have been confirmed true. they also did EVERYTHING FOR jerry lee lewis who as it turns out was like milli vanilli, then REALLY fucked everything up when he married his 13 year old cousin. you know that story right? after being side men in different acts they finally formed the BLUE FIX group in 1958, proving that they were very stupid men, as that is when southern electric blues began to lose popularity to "rock and roll" even though elvis, johnny cash, little richard, james brown, chubby checker, the beatles, the rolling stones, led zeppelin and ALL the greats claimed the duo to be primary influences, of the 17 LPs that were recorded, only 3 copies are reported to ever have sold. so just like so many other creepy mysterious and unexplained weird stories of the blues men, this one too is totally and deservedly forgotten UNTIL NOW. the vaults have been opened and the tapes are being carefully restored to their original condition for a release of a box set. BLUE FIX. THE FIX IS IN. buy it now. otherwise you're not a true blues afficianado and you're full of shit, and you won't know what you're talking about around blues hipsters. become the FOURTH known person to buy a BLUE FIX record!!!! do it today!!!/Users/andrew/Desktop/IMG_0856.psd

My Interests


Member Since: 3/16/2006
Band Members: Andrew (Blaze Malaise) Berenyi: vocals, guitar, bassGregory Valensluv: vocals, guitar, bass
Influences: Howlin Wolf, Jimmy Reid, Elmore James
Sounds Like: two old motherfuckers butchering old rock and blues tunes with a drum machine a bass a guitar and a mic. besides the drum machine it's all completely and totally primitive so eat that you technophile philistines. hmmf. digital. this stuff is recorded with two microphones in front of a semi circle of amplifiers. no mixing no overdubs we don't fucking CARE. cuz the original guys looked for FEEL, so that's what we do. AND MAN, WE GOT DEM OL' BLUES, FOR REASONS YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND. for us the sky is crying everyday. we sold our souls to the debbil to become the greates most obscure bluesmen to have EVER LIVED!!! all of our bitches left us. and spent up our bread. motherfuckin' landlord evicted our ass. y'know AAAALL THAT SHIT.
Record Label: Benzo
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


well, BLUE FIX did our second ever show tonite, at an art gallery in the downtown long beach california, art district. it went very well.there was a crowd of wiccan chicks there who were like, "putt...
Posted by THE BLUE FIX on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 02:51:00 PST