I am a perpetual world traveller and Shamaness. At times dwelling in Queensland - Australia (holed up in a jungle retreat trying my damdest to overcome writers block in the midst of a cyclone). Headed back to LA/Long Bitch. (East Village Arts District). I am from so many places I really cant say. - but I am proud to be American. I am of Welsh Celtic heritage - with Spanish gypsy and Cherokee bloodlines. I have dwelt in South Africa, South and central America(y me hablo epanol), Amsterdam, ELFLAND, Bangkok, Ibiza (Espana), Italia, EXTREME PLACES TOTALLY OFF THE MAP> DEEP SPACE> London, Washington DC. THAT STRANGE LITTLE VEGETARIAN CAFE AT THE BACK OF BEYOND. Tibet, Glastonbury, Kathmandu ,Egypt,Turkey,Greece,India,Bali, New Orleans,New York, New Mexico and even New Zealand. KALIFORNIA...... Smell A seems to be a regular port of call. Colerado (Boulder babe) is another port of calling.. As ARE the ROCKIES and Santa Fey.....(Thus far naming only some homes for the sake of brevity - the multiverse is an infinite space). GITANAS ROCK!!! By profession I am a silver and gemstone symbolic jeweller, a pagan writer/speaker/ Glam rock bass guitarist/vocalist. Percussionist, ROAD and Air manager, Promoter - DEEP BREATHE - and - pagan poetess, tarot counsellor, visonary artist, startender, stage performer, performance artist and actress comedienne. Oh and I am also an artists model and a model artist who specialises in fabulous beasties. I regard jobs as an adventure and have held and passed on over 100, excelling at them all - only leaving when the winds shifted and the stars came calling. I hold a BA in Theatre and english literature with a side swipe at geography and ancient world Hersory. REINVENTION is a good as REINCARNATION. As a Priestess, I am a messenger of the Goddess and all her Gods. Natch - I am a vegetarian who purposely never learnt to drive but I do ride wild wild horses, elephants, camels and the bus. RAVENS fly with me..... I also fly upon metallic birds which are less chilly than a broom. I dance with Dark fire Faerie wings....By nature I worship the Cat Goddess Sekhmet/Bast and all her offspring..... Including the 650 ish subspecies of Aussie possums. I WORSHIP WILDLIFE>>>AND LIVE A WILDER LIFE THAN ALL MY DEEPEST DREAMING> FOR I AM THE DREAMTIME AND THE DREAMTIME IS ME. FREEDOM IS CONSTANTLY CREATING ONESELF. FREEDOM IS HEEDING ONE'S INNER DARK FIRE ELF. FREEDOM IS BATHING NAKED IN STARLIGHT. FREEDOM IS MAINTAINING A HEALTHY STARTAN. LOVE IS LAUGHTER AND I LOVE LAUGHING. FREEDOM IS NURTURING MY WITCH SELF.FREEDOM IS BEING ASEXUAL. >>>>>>>> I AM MISS ADVENTURE.
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