Music, Health, Wealth, Yoga, Weight trainning, Tattoos, piercings, art in general. Anything that can stretch my mind and make it grow is worth taking a look at. I believe that when you stop learning, you start dying, so I preconise endless reasearch for improvement in any areas of my life.
Buddha, Batman, Bettlejuice, felix the cat and others.I am social guy and am always open to make new contact with people around the globe may it be for bussiness, music or traveling purposes.
Scar Symmetry - Strapping young lag - Pink Floyd - Rush - Muse - too much to list here..
..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5
I don't watch much of the "idiot box" as I like to call it. If it's open, it's usually for cartoons...
Hyperion (Dan Simmons), how to win friends and influence people (Dale Carnegie), the Celestine prophecy, the secret...
I have no heroes but I do admire people that take concious action for the planet and that have deep and true belief in what they do. People that our in control of their they are the seeds to how you become in life. Masters of the law of Attraction..