Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
FOR THE SHORT FILM "THE CINEMA" Shot in East London , May 2006, Written and directed by Juan LeonCreate your own Draw On Me
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
FOR THE SHORT FILM "THE CINEMA" Shot in East London , May 2006, Written and directed by Juan Leonfotografia, arte
"Las amargas lagrimas de Petra Von Kant", "Terciopelo azul", "Party Monster", "Cuernos de espuma", "Blade Runner", "In the mood for love", "The Rocky Horror Picture Show", "Sid&Nancy", "Contra la pared", "Los padres de ella" (y los de l), "Reservoir Dogs", "Entre tinieblas" (o "Sister Act" a la española.. je je..), "Sin City", "Cry Baby", "Breakin'", "Farenheit 451", "Elvira Mistress of the Dark", "La parada de los monstruos", "El ladrón de orquídeas", "El silencio de los corderos", "KissKissBangBang", "Abierto hasta el amanecer", "El ansia", "The shining", "La maldición del escorpión de Jade", "The hitchhicker's guide to the galaxy","The Hudsucker proxy", "Batman" & "Batman returns", "Blow Up", "As tears go by", "El diablo viste de Prada", "All about Eve", "La dama de Shangai", "Little Miss Sunshine", "Barbarella", "Happy Together", "Chungking Express", "El tercer hombre", "Gilda", "My own private Idaho"... (to be continued.......)
Sex and the City, Little Britain, Absolutly Fabulous, Twin Peaks, V, Takeshi Castle, Alfred Hitchcock presenta..., (to be continued.........)
"El Principito", "London birth of a cult", "1001 pelculas que hay que ver antes de morir", toda la coleccin ICONS de la Taschen..!! (to be continued.......)