TIP© profile picture


Whatever your circumstance is, don't give up...Just make your next move, your best move.

About Me

Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.comWELCOME TO MY SANCTUARY Wow, I must say I am feeling so happy these days. Just happy, because I've finally stepped into a world where I can claim my own. I know exactly what I want and what I don't and I'm very comfortable with my choices and those to come. Regardless of who disaproves, the concern is no longer leaning on their satisfaction but soley on mine. I don't have everything I may have ever wanted right now, but I have just enough to remind me of how blessed I am everyday and the blessings soon to follow. Just a little about me now.....I was humbled at a very young age and its stuck with me. I'm inspired by sweet, great, creative and ambitious people. Thats definitely who I surround myself with so that I can be a better me. I love the hell outta music! Just love it. It's my fetish along with shoes. Many people around know me as a former hip hop dancer/choreographer. I'm also a senior at the University of West Georgia where I study Mass Communications and Marketing. I'm an outgoing, (very)intellegient, funny, and God fearing person who stays on her grown woman at all times...I know who I am and who's I am. People come in and out of my life on a regular, but those that are meant to be there will stay, for those that aren't..it was great knowing you but life goes on. There shouldn't be one person in your life that makes you feel any less of yourself than you know you are. I'm living proof. It's not worth your happiness. PEACE And I dont need a date, but preciate it ;-)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

TRUTH IS I woke up at 3 in the morn to dry off the waste that rolled down my face. Crying away yet another one Trying to make numb my emotions Microphone check 1-2 what is this? Lust or love…How do we keep them a distance? Cause they seem to walk hand in hand One is a heart and one is a man The relationship we all as women fall for He gives you a little so you can reach for more And as soon as you reach, you immediately fall Cause the hand you needed wasn’t truly there at all…and then we pause…. Again you’re afraid to trust anyone Hurting from the damage that’s already been done But I learned that feelings don’t run away They just transfer to a different place Like to the very back of the head Right along with the anger and regret… Sometimes a good thing goes wrong and undefined Then next it becomes lost in time Wondering who would ever be mine Like what they say on valentines… A day I never celebrate Its all a gimmick when you in it, Just like the dozen roses they give Flatters you for a moment And only a moment will it live So anyway, scripture say- never trust in your own heart So I’m saving that part For the one in which it belongs And yeah sometimes I may be alone But I enjoy that peace As my heart may surely increase… It might beat a little harderer Love a lot smarterer Feel a little deeperer Make me a hell of a keeperer. Well I’ve been that already, just looking for my match Some come damn close but I won’t settle for that This is the truth as I know it, If I cant say it I’ll show it and It’ll be easier next time around But you sho lost one for now The clock hit 4 as I reached back for my pillow glimpsed out my window And fell back into my own love…Wishing I never knew what the hell it was


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all about u right NOW!
name:: Tip
age:: 23
gender:: she
wheres your favorite place to be?: the bath tub
whats your favorite color(s)?: brown & burnt orange
whats cant you leave the house without?: lip gloss
whats your favorite thing to wear?: sweats
favorite shoes?: my red suade pumas
best person(s) to be with?: alone
band you cant get enough of?: 112
book youve ever read?: purpose driven life
person you admire?: just strong hearted people
food you could eat almost everyday?: chicken
famous "its never gonna happen"?: me buying my land rover lol
movie you could watch over and over?: waist deep
tv show you keep watching?: bad girls on oxygen
place you wish you could go right now?: miami to chill out
fill in the blank
if i had to get a tattoo id get...: cross on the inside of my ankle
if i had to get something pierced id get...: my other ear done at the very top
if had to listen to one song for the rest of my life itd be...: made to love you...G.Levert
if i could be any animal it would be...: a dolphin
if i could ive during any time period it would be...: right now
my dream career is...: CEO of everything
choose one
would like to live: big city or countryside or suburbia: suburbs
would rather: have no kids or 6 kids: 6 kids
eat for the rest of my life: pie or chicken: chicken
get back together with an ex-boyfriend or makeout with a stranger: get with my ex
go out dancing or go to a show: to a show
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My Blog

10 Things you don't know wbout me

Here we go: 1. My favorite snack is cucumbers and ranch dressing 2. I am sickly disgusted by dirty toilets 3. I looooove laughing 4. My favorite part of the day is sunset; its beautiful 5. I absolutel...
Posted by TIP© on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 05:46:00 PST