Will profile picture


Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything.

About Me

Seeing life through a camera lens makes me see the world differently.body{ background-color:999999; background-image:url(http://www.lomography.com/0001/fotos/p3 00704/0b60a302e8d736d0/UL_828496_11132011531_l.jpg); background-position:Top Left; background-attachment:fixed; background-repeat:repeat; } Table, Td{ background-color:transparent; } table table table{ width:100%; background-color:0066FF; } table table table table{ width:auto; } body, div, p, strong, td, .text, .blacktext10, .blacktext12, a.searchlinkSmall, a.searchlinkSmall:link, a.searchlinkSmall:visited{ color:000000; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; font-family:Times New Roman, verdana, arial, sans-serif; } .orangetext15, .lightbluetext8, .whitetext12, .nametext, .btext, .redtext, .redbtext{ color:CC0000; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; }

I edited my profile with Thomas€™ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Life and all it's got to throw at me, photography and travel.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with an open mind, a love of people, a love of music, a love of art and most importantly a love of life... ..flashticker2413029 height=375 width=500 classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 ..


Hip-hop, house, break beats, rock, classical, jazz......anything but pop.


"The Lord of the Ring" series, Apocolypse Now, The Usual Suspects, Trainspotting, Platoon....the list is huge and would take far too long.


Some good old British comedy....oh for a dose of Ali. G, Borat, Vic and Bob...


Anything and everything. If I can learn from it I'll read it.


Number 1 are real people, my friends, guys and girls who are all anything but ordinary. They all give me strength, lighten my life and make everything worth while. In alphabetical order, Dicky, Finn, Ken, Paule, Shigeo, Shiz and Stoo. Number 2 are photographers, those who see life as it is and make it something that bit more special, all recording a bit of history in the process, particuarly Daido Moriyama, Robert Frank and Anton Corbjin. Then there are the people I've met who have faced unimaginable suffering yet never complain. The real heroes are those the world usually never see, open your eyes and see them everywhere.

My Blog

Open your heart and open your eyes

When you open your heart and open your eyes,You see we live in a world of opposite lives.Half the world is dying when all they want to do is survive,But the other half is living but don't know they're...
Posted by Will on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 04:00:00 PST

How much does life cost?

In normal circumstances you can't put a price on someones life, but if a price was put on the life of someone you love how much would you pay? Would you give all the money in your bank? Would you beg ...
Posted by Will on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 06:14:00 PST

Bullying in Japan

Due to human nature some things are universal. Something that has been getting a lot of media attention in Japan of late is bullying. True, bullying is universal, but here in Japan it seems to be a in...
Posted by Will on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 02:37:00 PST

Bring on the next 5 years

Today marks 5 years in Japan for me. 1/6 of my entire life. Perhaps 1/2 of my life as an adult so far.   The day I arrived was much like today. Hot and muggy, the humidity made it feel like even...
Posted by Will on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 06:25:00 PST

Life is......

Life is a funny old thing, it's got it's ups and downs, things that make us glad to be alive, others that make us want to disappear through a crack in the floor and be forgot by everyone. Life's never...
Posted by Will on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 07:36:00 PST

What different worlds we live in.

It's funny how our minds work sometimes. A word or gesture can set off a memory and take your mind off somewhere else, somewhere from your past, somewhere you might smile at remembering or somewhere t...
Posted by Will on Tue, 23 May 2006 09:09:00 PST

The life of a refugee

Life in the refugee camps in Iraq is hard. Many of the people I met had been moved from other refugee camps when the security situation had worsened, people had been killed and the safest option had b...
Posted by Will on Sat, 06 May 2006 10:16:00 PST

What would you tell them?

I move quickly throught the dark wet streets. It's safer to walk around after dark. SAFER to walk around, not safe. This is Iraq, no-where is safe. There's upwards of 40 kidnappings a day. This is my ...
Posted by Will on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 05:30:00 PST