Life and all it's got to throw at me, photography and travel.
Anyone with an open mind, a love of people, a love of music, a love of art and most importantly a love of life... ..flashticker2413029 height=375 width=500 classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000 ..
Hip-hop, house, break beats, rock, classical, jazz......anything but pop.
"The Lord of the Ring" series, Apocolypse Now, The Usual Suspects, Trainspotting, Platoon....the list is huge and would take far too long.
Some good old British comedy....oh for a dose of Ali. G, Borat, Vic and Bob...
Anything and everything. If I can learn from it I'll read it.
Number 1 are real people, my friends, guys and girls who are all anything but ordinary. They all give me strength, lighten my life and make everything worth while. In alphabetical order, Dicky, Finn, Ken, Paule, Shigeo, Shiz and Stoo. Number 2 are photographers, those who see life as it is and make it something that bit more special, all recording a bit of history in the process, particuarly Daido Moriyama, Robert Frank and Anton Corbjin. Then there are the people I've met who have faced unimaginable suffering yet never complain. The real heroes are those the world usually never see, open your eyes and see them everywhere.