!!!!!...n mY jOb!!!
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ChIlL a$$ PeOpLe.....NO DRAMMMMA!!!!...N DEFFINATLY NO HATERS!!! I sEEm to get AlOt of them....(i know its cuz of my
fEllAs i l!ke em FrEsH...CleAneD up with a F!TtEd!!!...Ya No ..ThEm $exy tHuG aZz N!69a$ that gOt a $oFt SpOt 4 *LuV*...i wUdnt $ay i'm "p!cky"...bUt ya g!rl dOes haVe $tanDaRd$!!! i nEEd a maN whOs gUnna hOld !t dOwn n trEat mE rite...*NO MORE L!TTLE BOYS*!!!.i knOw !t m!ght b haRd $umt!me$,..i a!nt gUnna l!e...bUt i nEEd a $old!er,..gOtta b dO!n B!G tHang$...nUtt!n le$$..........;-)~...
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.........~*^"DoN't StArT wHaT u CaN't F!N!$h...!t$ a RuLe"^*~!!!..........
Oh YeA n Ne1 tHat bUrns !$ UsUally cOOl w!th me...!!!I'm ReAl EaSy To GeT aLoNg W!Th N !F u DoN't L!Ke Me ThAn ItS bCuZ tHeReS sUmTh!nG wRoNg W!Th U....So !f Ya Go On N ChEcK UrSeLf....We M!GhT B AbLe To MoVe PaSsEd ThIs....LoL....
bUt than aga!n,.... ya neva knOw sUm peOple r REALLY $tUbbUrn....!!!
!f U really th!nk U can pUt Up w!th me then g!ve !t a shOt....lOl
Image code by deepbox.comdance motherfuckos DANCE!one love
i fEll !n lOvE w!th H!p HOp a lOnG t!mE aGo!!!...bUt,...i'M rEaL OpEn 2 gOOd mU$!c!!!
What kind of Drugs are you? and how that reflect your personality?
You are Heroin (aka: smack, dope, brown sugar...). You are the most dangerous drug between all other kinds. You are bold, deep, dark, mysterious, have your own world. You are classified as class (A) illegal drugs.
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OoOoO....i l!kE @ $nUggle Up On tha cOuCh n watCh tHem,....cOmedy n hOrrOr,...w!th $um Can:Dy!!!!
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nEth!ng cartOOn$...gUtta lUv cOmEdy!!!!
How to make a adeana781
3 parts competetiveness
5 parts self-sufficiency
5 parts ego
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of caring
Personality cocktail
ummm...not really a reader..."People"..n "Fa$h!On"!!!
Myspace Layouts
my mom shes tha sh!t she knows what this sh!t is about n she aint gonna let my a$$ slip thru tha cracks of tha uncivil socity we live in....
A Altruistic
D Dramatic
E Energetic
A Accurate
N Neglected
A Astonishing
K Kind
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