I like 2 talk and ermmmm eat n sleep n drink n talk n eat n sleep n drink n talk n drink n talk n drink n then mayb have a bit of a boogie.
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I'd like to meet:
Red Hot Chili Peppers. I'd love to run up 2 Chad shout DUDE in his face n nick off with his hat.
I only like good music. I dnt reli like too much crappy music, it's generally a bit crappy.
In a list of good bands tho u'd have 2 put Rage Against the Machine, The Beatles, The Kinks and them other good bands, u know them ones that r called that thing. Oh by the way the best bands on this myspazz malarky thing r in my top friends so look no further kids!
Fear and loathing is definately this weeks top!!!
LOST is like the most awesome of the awseomistically awesomely awesome things!!
Mr T coz he can pity the fool!!!