Fatherhood. Reading n' eating more than I should. Running the streets and local woods. Headbanging, talking shit in pubs and clubs. Socialist Sister and Brotherhood.
Easy Rawlins - and no one else but, if you are in a band do not ask to be my 'friend' unless I know at least one of you personally
Too much music, too many bands
Chistopher Nolan to Shane Meadows.
No TV at the minute
Phillip Roth, Frank Herbert, Brett Easton Ellis, Ray Bradbury, Walter Mosley, George Orwell, Maya Angelou, John Steinbeck. History - Mesolithic to the Space Age. Politics - Marx to Engels. Music - Jon Savage to David Lee Roth. Comics - Batman to The Joker.
Biafra - wit to the politic. Ramone - sentiment to the voice. Mackaye - ethic to the business. Family and friends.