i work at an animal hospital full time as well as working with the washington humane society part time, i also enjoy music, good films, sushi, vegetarian food and making coffee
Billy Corgan {done and i have the picture to prove it} Roger Waters, Syd Barrett, Aldous Huxley, Joss Stone, Herbie Hancock, Mike Gordon, Judas Iscariot,Barack ObamaI would also like to meet anyone who sees my profile and thinks that i am really odd and still wants to be my friend.
The.Blackout.District, The Pocket Band,Smashing Pumpkins, Phish,Pink Floyd, The Polyphonic Spree, David Bowie just to name a few
trainspotting, a life less ordniary, spun, bowling for columbine, run ronnie run, 28 days later, anything with ewan mcgregor or directed by danny boyle, bittersweet motel, i heart huckabees, the royal tennenbaums,science of sleep, jesus camp
mr. show, family guy, the simpsons, aqua teen hunger force, vh1 and vh1 classic,the colbert report
Being and Time, The Doors of Perception and The Berenstein Bears learn about strangers
Billy Corgan, David Cross and Bob Odenkirk, Ronnie Dobs, Jack Black, Mike Gordon, Jaco Pastorius, Otiel Burbridge,Roger Waters