Computers PWN you! If you don't know what PWN means then my interests are SnowBoarding, Str33t Racing, WakeBoarding, Buying Stuff, Hangin' Out, Going to the Beach, Eating Delicious Things, and w/e YOU like doing.
Tom, so I can deliver a swift kick to his shins. And Jesus, because he would forgive me if I did.
Anything thats compatible with my ears. Hehehehe!
Well Passion of the Christ (although the book is way better) JK I never saw it. But Xmen3 and Nacho Libre are great! Then there's Monty Python (all of em!) and any movie that is either funny or action-packed or entertaining. Wow, that is pretty descriptive eh?
TV! I can watch almost any channel (yeah lets keep this rated R and below though :/ ) and I won't be bored. But I chiefly like Prison Break, Family Guy, House, Smallville, and a few others.
Well books are pretty cool I guess sometimes when it's raining and your alone and your computer is broken and ur rally machine is also broken and by some wierd twist of fate you find yourself locked into a room with only a book in it, then maybe reading is cool. Well I used to read books, and a lot of them were actually pretty cool, but the Wheel of Time series is great. (Much better than Dragonlance) So WoT and WoG (Word of God) is basically it. And the occasional magazine, but magazines aren't books so nevermind.
Well obviously the best super-hero of all time is Wolverine! Which reminds me of my AIM SN: SlashinWolverine Which I made a loooooong time ago so don't tease. Anyways, the real hero is JC and everyone knows that, because hero means (and I quote Merriam Webster, the authority on definitions) "an object of extreme admiration and devotion" and that's who he is to me.