Skateboarding, hackysack, snowboard, racing, breakdancing, bodyboarding, DDR, any sport, anything active, anything entertaining, anything fun, anything cool ....anything
well i like to meet all sorts of people, as long as they arent mean or dumb or nerdy or or or or...nah everyones cool in their own lil way. I dont like fake people though, cuz you meet someone they're all nice, then you turn around and they're a whole different person...crazy. I also dont like gossipers that make the 'grape-vine' go 'round. Thats 'bout it
The Passion
Friends, cartoons!, simpsons, the family guy....There is a lot more to list but basically i think TV is a waste of time and we should all do something more worth while ;-)
B-i-b-l-e thats the book for meeee (sing along!)
heros....i guess a hero can be anyone, but when i hear the word hero X-men come to mind...and when X-men come to mind i think of WOLVERINE...the best hero i can think of. I can tell you why too....well first of all if you watched X-men the movie you can see he cant die! PLUS he can heal himself like from a gun-shot to the head....i think you got it... :-D