Music (the groovy stuff), dancing, playing my Bass guitar, writing stuff, drinking, trying new strains of bud and hashish, shrooms, AIRSOFT! and enlightenment
Ladies who like to dance...with my pants around my feet, moving to the beat. Basically, people who aren't afraid to have a good time...and anyone who ain't afraid to groove.
Disco, funk, heavy metal, jazz, blues, jungle, house, actually pretty much everything...oh yeah, and Tom Waits
Cheech and Chong, Pulp Fiction, Highlander, Swingers, Saturday Night Fever, Fight Club, Wargames, Kill Bill(1 & 2), Most Hong Kong Cinema (especially HK action), and Blades of Glory (Hell Yeah!)
anything that moves is good...i usually keep the volume down.
Charles Bukowski, Dune, Hustler and Leg Show, William S. Burroughs, Clive Barker, Arthur C. Clark, Isaac Asimov, Bruce Sterling, William Gibson.....Just Finished Reading: "The Tenth Insight"Currently Reading: "Angels & Demons" By Dan "Da Vinci Code" Brown
Elvis, Jim Morrison, Himi Jendrix, Janis Joplin, John Belushi, Chris Farley, and Anna Nicole Smith.