barbee..half cell wonder twin profile picture

barbee..half cell wonder twin

Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing that we are doing at any moment, and be

About Me

.... I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 Hello, My name is barbee and I am a mixed media body artist/photographer {aka: camera artist}. I work primarily with henna, make up, latex, and other various forms of mixed media. My passions lie not just in henna creation and application, but in the education of the planet to it's positive energies. Having henna applied to your skin is like a warm hug that resonates to your soul. I travel extensively exhibiting, applying and displaying my Henna and its art. Whether in someones home for a private event, on the road with MTV or at a corporate party for United Airlines, my message and the positive energy of Henna remain constant. That message is simple: No person is an island unto themselves. We are a World Community whose personal experiences are meant to be shared. Allow me to share my Henna and art with you and yours. My creative energies extend beyond my henna-making and application. At recent exhibitions, I have been introducing mixed media into my art and photographing my pieces. My efforts have been in celebration of the artistic form of the human body and its kinship to the natural world. I am meeting more and more people that, although they enjoy the advantages of 21st century living, feel as if they have lost touch with the natural. I view my art as an opportunity to share my boundless creative energies and help people re-establish a connection with themselves, and subsequently, Nature. Artist and two-fisted painter Denny Dent echoes my personal feelings beautifully in an article published in Northwest Airlines€™ World Traveler Magazine: €œI have a platform, and they will listen. My message is that art has nothing to do with paint. Art is not a technique, but an expression from your heart."My photography website: http://www.barbeecaincameraartist.coma recent shoot: henna website: cell.. 407-701-2227organizations I have worked with:VISA, Red Bull, Target, United Airlines, Hard Rock, Virgin Records, House of Blues, Simons Malls, Publix, Books-A-Million, Relay for Life, Saks Fifth Avenue, General Motors, Breast Cancer Awareness, Children€™s Miracle Network, Nike, Jantzen, Hilfiger, MTV, Herbal Essences, Schick, Lilish Fair, AMP marketing,,Reebok,Self Magazine, Universities throughout the US and lots more......I am also a yoga instructor and an all around groovy chick! Rieeght! I hope that I can encourage people to beileve in themselves and recognize their worth and value and only to BE themselves and not try to live up to other's expectations or create their own. LIVE! LOVE! BE! The moment is now, there is no promise of tomorrow so relish the now!i love to learn always a wish list of some of the things i want to help me do so :)

My Interests

living live to the fullest, as if every day is your last, cuz you don't know.... it may be :)I wish to constantly grow and expand my knowledge!here is a wish list that can make that happen :)

I'd like to meet:

Cyanide & Happiness @


my music tastes are so varied and i refrain from listening to the radio but own a lot of indy artists, many of which are my friends. I like music that is expression and not just a formula of some marketing team's idea of "what sells"The Possibility Does Exist
Add to My Profile | More Videosmy very favorite tour, bing rocked the video cam and the stage!radio is mostly coast to coast....lots of different programming on there that deals with stuff you will NEVER hear discussed anywhere else


i see very few movies, but when i do i like movies that are not slapstick, but have some level of comlexity or story to them. "i heart huckabees" and "what the bleep do we know" are faves and "donnie darko" ,"monty python and the holy grail", "excalibur" and so many others, too many to name...


yuk, wouldn't be prudent, thousand points of light, no new taxes...gagmy art direction and make-up :)Create like a god, command like a king, work like a slave.. ::: Constantin Brancusi :::


three magic words...changed my whole worldyour sixth sense...belleruth naperstak (sp?)life after life...raymond moody------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Cyanide & Happiness @


those with the spirit of compassion, self love, survival, will, determination responsibility to their community as well as their own choices

My Blog


I love the bunnies!DIE HARD 30 SEC BUNNY STYLE
Posted by barbee..half cell wonder twin on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 09:45:00 PST


This man is a genuis....amazing photography!
Posted by barbee..half cell wonder twin on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 08:20:00 PST

look, my punam!

An article of note!An article was written about and they showcased my porfile...sweet! :)b...
Posted by barbee..half cell wonder twin on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 03:16:00 PST

Younger Brother

One of my fave musicians has brached off into a newer project called Younger Brother.great video! ...
Posted by barbee..half cell wonder twin on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 02:37:00 PST

MY MOVIE!!!!!!! is almost out!

It's is actually the brainchild of Zack Parker but I did the hair, make-up and stills, i am sooooo excited!here is the teaser!yay1QUENCH- Teaser Trailer...
Posted by barbee..half cell wonder twin on Mon, 28 May 2007 11:17:00 PST


one thing ommited in the parents handbook is the part about being sick. Christian and I went to a birthday party for tiny tots a few days ago and the next day we both woke up with sore throats that le...
Posted by barbee..half cell wonder twin on Sat, 12 May 2007 11:27:00 PST

This Day in History

Nelson Mandela Inaugurated as South Africa's First Black President (1994)Mandela served as the first democratically elected President of South Africa (1994-1999). His political activism began in the e...
Posted by barbee..half cell wonder twin on Wed, 09 May 2007 11:21:00 PST

global photos

ok friends :) i am in a global photo contest anf one of my photos was even blogged by the prestigo group announcing the contest. there were only 3 photos used and mine was one...yay!take a look at th...
Posted by barbee..half cell wonder twin on Mon, 07 May 2007 03:15:00 PST

tell us the mission

TELL US THE MISSIONTHIS IS PRETTY INTENSE! speak out people, speak out!
Posted by barbee..half cell wonder twin on Tue, 01 May 2007 03:21:00 PST


"I could deal with Pokemon if I smoked a couple of grams of blacktar heroin."Robert Downey Jr.
Posted by barbee..half cell wonder twin on Tue, 01 May 2007 01:54:00 PST