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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My Narrative: I was born in Detroit, mostly grEw up in the Mountains of NC and the Village of SF, danced a mad beat in NO, became a woman with a tribe in AK, and learned to bridle a wild horse in TX.
I love Portland,. It's good to be home.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

VISIONARIES: not afraid to push the envelope and question the status quo... playful, deliberate, willing, compassionate, unapologetic, honest, witty, and wild.

My Blog

Behind the Glass...

My mom recently gave this to my daughter. It's a "Bride Doll" (she really got for herself) from my 8th xmas. I was more taken with my brothers Rock'M Sock'M robots. She has hermetically sealed the dol...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 15:33:00 GMT

Evidence of life...

I recently rediscovered this poem... It was written in 1971 by Erica Jong. I think it speaks for itself. The Evidence: 1Evidence of life:snapshots,hundreds of spilt-secondswhen the eyes glazed over,th...
Posted by on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 11:48:00 GMT