Come see my next show:
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Come get Tarot Readings from me at Club NIGHTSHIFT and also Bats Over Broadway!
Music and Redwood Forests...also...the music of The Redwood Forests, singing, gardening, Nature...or what's left of it, walking, swimming, going to the gym, photographing abandoned buildings and Nature, reading, laughing, cats, drumming, dreaming, writing, performing, feeling, creating, loving, meditating, hiking, figuring life and myself out...I'm really close..., dancing, the pleasures that can only be had between two people in the wee hours of the night, and silence...finding a companion whom I do not have to dumb myself down for nor shallow myself out for.
The D is looking to meet people who successfully walk the line
between freakdom and normality...people who love life and know
how to live it. Janis Joplin if she were still alive would be cool to
meet too as well as me in 5 years.
Anything that speaks to my soul...music is a language, and I try to learn as many different dialects as possible...why keep yourself in a box musically when the rest of the world tries to put you in one anyway?
Projects I currently wail in:
Demonika and the Darklings
Projects I have wailed with in the past:
Dorian Wood Guilt Trip
Northern Embers
Kelly Mantle
Festival Express, Bukowski - Born Into This, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Bar Fly, Salton Sea, Carnival of Souls, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, Mommy Dearest, Nightmare Before Christmas, Silence of the Lambs, Donnie Darko, Gummo, Baxter, Big Lebowski, Nosferatu, Requiem To A Dream, Lemony Snickets A Series of Misfortunate Events, Harold and Maude, Blue Velvet, Moulin Rouge, Borat, Napoleon Dymamite, Children of the Corn (only the first one).
What is this thing you speak of?
The Prophet (my current bible)...and basically anything written by Kahlil Gibran, Bukowski, Kerouac,Hunter S. Fucking Thompson, Vonnegut, Dylan Thomas, Seat of the Soul, A Woggle of Witches(My childhood book...thanks Mom!), Naked Lunch, Doors of Perception/Heaven and Hell, Moon Magic, The Plague/The Stranger, The Way of a Pilgrim, And I Don't Want To Live This Life Anymore, Anne Rice as a whole, my plethora of journals which I spend countless hours pouring my inner thoughts onto during the brightest and the darkest of times.
Amma, Janis Joplin, Kahlil Gibran, and my mom. Me too at this point.