Working for Scribesoft,Drawing,Painting,Sequential Art,Gaming,Comics,Playing Guitar,Painting and playing Warhammer,Warhammer40,000 (Chaos Rules!),Dungeons And Dragons,Reading,Horror Movies,Ghost hunting,The Palace of Depression,Wrestling even tho its fake,Zombies,Vampires,The Color Black,Swords,Guns,Fake Blood,Real Blood,The Creech,Biting necks,Spawn,George Romero,Jamming with buds,Rainydays,Old Nintendo,Halloween,The clown from poltergiest,Vampire movies,Boba Fett,Anime,Manga,Heavy Fuckin Metal,Robots that kill people,Masters of the Universe Figures,Beer Drinkin Blues,My Ibanez RG270DX,Randall Amps,Hearses,Buttons,strings,needles,keys,sharp things,screws,Castlevanina,Girls in Boots:),Alucard,Coffins,Biting,Making shitty weird movies,The Haunted Mansion Ride in Disneyland,The Nightmare before Christmas,Brass Knuckels,Scars,World War II History,Vietnam History,Bats,Indian Food,Chinese food,Wolverine,Animals,Todd Mcfarlanes version of Spiderman,Bookmans,Comic book Stores,Vampirella,Cigars,Acting Crazy,HotBaths,Drawing People to Make them Mad,Desperado,GoreFest B Movies With Shitty Acting but alot of blood,Wearing Leather Pants,Crows,Cowboy Bebop,Armor, Long Black Capes,Anything with six strings on it,Staying in old Haunted Hotels,Oversized Spiked wristbands,Alice in Wonderland,Castles,Giant steel toed boots,Houses that are in cemetaries,Emg 81 pickups,Cemeteries,Whips,The Rocky Horror Picture Show,Chocolate,Duct Tape,Chains,Rats,Snow,Plastic Rubber Insects,Giant Old Mansions,Snakes,Old evil wicked looking trees,Morticia Adams,The Thompson Machine Gun,Bruises,Evil Dolls That Come Alive At Night,Skulls,Pirates,Pictures of Tombstones,The smell of an old book store,Meditation,Werewolves,Ernie Ball Guitar Strings,Evil Dead Trilogy,Flames,Secret Passages,spooky old Black and White Pictures,Chainsaws,The Twilight Zone,Heavy Metal Rings,C# Tuning, Piece of shit guitars that sound BadASS. SLAYER!!
adopt your own virtual pet!
Slayer,Type O Negative,Hammer Fall,Old Metallica when Cliff Burton was on bass,Rob Zombie,Death,Iced Earth,Anthrax,Archenemy,Slipknot,Yngwie,Testament,Iron Maiden,Motorhead,The Doors, The Beatles, Old Megadeth,Pink Floyd, Dio,Red Hot Chilli Peppers,Pantera,Black Sabbath,Lynard Skynard,Led Zepplin,Danzig,Opeth, Beethoven, J.S. Bach,Tchaikovsky,Mozart,Vivaldi,Paganini.
Evil Dead 1&2,Army of Darkness,Braveheart,Star Wars,The Life Aquatic,Phantasm,Dawn of the Dead Trilogy,LotR Trilogy,Conan the Barbarian,Excalibur,300.Music Videos | Denver Condos | Nashville Homes
History Channel,Discovery Channel,Little House on the Prairie,Metelocalypse,Family Guy,Southpark,Cowboy Bebop. Little House on the PrairieLittle House on the Prairie
Comic Books and Graphic Novels,White Dwarf, D&D Books,Play Boy,Guitar Magazine,My Comics,Any Art or Photography Book.
Tokien,Tomonobu Itagaki,J Scott Campbell,Greg Capullo,Kerry King,Alphonso Azpiri, Simon Bisley, Samwise Didier, Greg Capullo,Dimebag Darrell,Jeff Hanneman,Jimi Hendrix,Todd Mcfarlane,Stan Lee,Mr Fred Rodgers,Jack Kirby,Garry Gygax,Randy Rhoads,Cliff Burton,Mick Foley,Jim Lee,Milla Jovovich.