Being in the music biz and traveling
Hansel and Gretel, Rob Bell, All of the leaders in the world dead or alive. Bob Dylan, Kelly Clarkson, BRMC, Page France, ?uestlove, Dave Grohl, Ghandi, Martin Luther King JR, Jesus, Buggs Bunny, Daffy all of the looney Tunes, The Muppets, particularly animal. That's pretty much it...
Norma Jean, Kings of Convenience, Keane, Death Cab, The Racuenters, As I Lay Dying, Imogen Heap, Rise Against, Rage Against the Machine, Mat Kearney, Over The Rhine, The Frames, Page France, Bob Dylan, Glen hansard, Ingrid, Regina, A Fine Frenzy, etc and tons more
The Princess Bride...Hands down but yeah i like a lot of movies, there is not enough room for me to write them all down.
I'm Tired of TV
Harry Potter series, Velvet Elvis, Sex God (Rob Bell) he's an awesome author and a great speaker.
Travis Barker, Joe the Drummer (First Teacher), Most of the people in who I'd like to meet. ?uestlove and others, who have the groove...