Well, it's certainly time to shake the dust off this page. Or maybe, as Sam Phillips sez on her latest CD, "Shake It Down."
Fall will be here before any of us know it, and with it come new students, new staff (welcome, John and Jenny!) and a return engagement as Artist-in-Residence by Jenny McIntyre, this time with her new mate, Brad Ritter.
Julie continues to make the world a better place to live through her work with Habitat for Humanity. Summer guests have included Tonio K., Samantha Crain and those Midnight Shivers, Katie Chastain along with the Brothers Johnson, my big sis from Texas, Nancy, and later on members of the Branch Atterburians (Julie's family from NoCal.
I'm celebrating my actual birthday (instead of the widely-circulated 'Beatles first played Ed Sullivan' date) with a beautiful Flor de Oliva 6x50 stogie, and thinking of you.