Sometimes progress moves in surprising directions; in Beth Bombaras case, maybe its sideways, or even backwards. Around 3 years ago, she took a few steps backward from the lead vocal mic of a Grand Rapids punk band to tour as backup gunslinger for newfound friends Jenny McIntyre and Samantha Crain. Somewhere in the middle of her trip from the front of the stage to the back, her own songs began to resemble, well, all three of the above, underscored by a musical octopus act of juggling multiple instruments in both her own recordings and her live outings.Beth Bombara is singing and playing with a confidence that consistently delivers without over-reaching, continually proving herself while clearly showing that shes got nothing to prove. Her writing, her playing, her singing -- its all moving in all directions at once, but just as quickly and inevitably inward, back to a powerfully grounded center, and its just as sure to keep all listening ears coming back, over and over, to the source.Currently, Beth performs solo as well as with 3 other bands:
Jenny McIntyre
David Beeman