art, photography, the erotic, seafood, wine, beer, martini, theatre, underwear, chocolate, tabasco sauce, themed parties, naughtiness, stories, sleeping, and my hot water bottle
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Fruit Bats, Pulp, Jimi Hendrix, Ladytron, Zero 7The Kooks, Gravenhurst, Modest Mouse, The Delays, ELO, Pink Floyd, The Postal Service, Broken social scene, Wham!, The Magic numbers, NIN, Bob Dylan, Pixies, Neural milk hotel, Animal Collective, Lou Reed, Madonna, I Am Kloot, The Killers, Rolling Stones, Mercury Rev, Goldfrapp, Bright eyes, Arctic Monkeys, Royksopp, The Decemberists, Hall & Oates, Death cab for cutie, Bruce Springsteen
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Batman, Natural born killers, Breakfast at tiffany's, Sin City and Oldboy
Silence of the lambs, most things Jeanette Winterson, books on photography, mostly the surreal and erotic
Marylin Monroe, Madonna (eighties), Holly?
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