Harry Potter is Amazing!!! profile picture

Harry Potter is Amazing!!!

About Me

Hey, I like Comic Books, I love my wife, i love God and people (and for more about loving God and people see Pastor's Bill myspace). i also love Erwin (the Bus) and Erwin McManus (The Pope)......that about sums me up. O except i must say that i love the sherwood family because they practically raised me!!! I know, their amazing......
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You scored as Reformed Evangelical. You are a Reformed Evangelical. You take the Bible very seriously because it is God's Word. You most likely hold to TULIP and are sceptical about the possibilities of universal atonement or resistible grace. The most important thing the Church can do is make sure people hear how they can go to heaven when they die.

Reformed Evangelical


Neo orthodox




Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan




Classical Liberal




Roman Catholic


Modern Liberal

What's your theological worldview?
created with QuizFarm.comYour results:
You are Superman Superman 95% Green Lantern 85% Spider-Man 80% Robin 57% Batman 55% Supergirl 55% Wonder Woman 50% Catwoman 50% Iron Man 40% The Flash 25% Hulk 25% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

My Interests

Comic books, my wife, God and others, frineds, ministry, i love books and music.

I'd like to meet:

Sentry, Shazam!, Rob Bell, St. Patrick, John Calvin, Relient K, Batman, Superman, The Inhumans, Spider-man, Andy Stanley, Wayne Grudem, St. Augustine, Oscar Wilde, Jim Lee, Tim Sale, Jeph Loeb, Erwin McManus, David Bazan, Sufjan Stevens,...


Relient K (I will always be a fan), Coldplay, Sufjan Stevens, David Bazan, Bloc Party, Interpol, Keane, U2, Snow Patrol, Elton John, Lionel Richie, My Chemical Romance, The Killers, Death Cab for Cutie, Interpol, and many more...


The Nightmare before Christmas, Corpse Bride, The Pianist, Superman, Batman Begins, Spider-man 1,2, & 2, Orange County, Rear Window, Scoop, Transformers,...


Office, Gilmore Girls, Heros, LOST,


Any and All comic books (DC and Marvel, but more DC) Chasing Daylight, Velvet Elvis, Wayne Grudems Systematic Theology, all the Harry Potter books, NEXT, F.F. Bruce commentary on the bible,


Batman, Superman, Spider-man, Superboy, Robin (Tim Drake), Rob Bell, Erwin McManus, Ashley, Randy, St. Patrick, St. Augustine, Jeremiah (biblical),...