hurting myself and those around me, cigarettes, fetishism, coffee, music, reading, pretending to write, being a pretentious cunt, burning bridges and creating scars, ridiculous shit that makes serious people sad and unserious people confused,New York, Nuremburg, i'm also invovled in some bands...
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
Black/Death/Doom/Crust/Punk/indie shit/power electronics/old classical recorded in the 30s/too much to really mention: currently listening to extinction of mankind, radiohead, beherit, dio, my bloody valentine, poison idea, profanatica
films that are heavy on dialogue or drug use, also podophiliac cinema and some pretty fucking stupid movies
"Considering this country is rightfully becoming known as the Evil Empire, you think that United States' black metal bands would do a better job of representing. In the case of Krieg, you get some of the absolutely most abysmal black metal that you may come across for quite some time. There's a reason why the underground black metal scene has very little respect by most music fans. Amateurish bands such as Krieg do nothing but clog up CD racks with poorly written, recorded and executed music. On a whole it simply waters down the scene, which does contain a healthy selection of truly impressive artists who transcend this base level garbage."
Bukowski, dostoyevsky, celine, hamsun, miller, welsh, ellis, sartre,lovecraft, camus, henry rollins,batille, Palahniuk, schopenhauer literature documenting the beat movement & obscure musical movements...
Joseph Van Fossen