music, movies, language & words, intellectual musings, truth & perception, necessary violence & destruction, useless knowledge, the outside of the box, the inside of your head, late nights, sunrises, sleep deprivation, love, silence, loudness, privacy, emotional magic, touring/travel, escape.
essential ingredients:
water, coffee, carmex, good beer, cheap whiskey, sushi, burritos, chips & salsa, pretzels, dessert, vitamins, ipod, timbuk2, computer(s).Giving Chase
Jump Start Records
Ante Up Booking
John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Muhammad Ali, Kurt Cobain, William Blake, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King, Jr., Benjamin Franklin, Robert Rodriguez, Greg know, mostly dead people.
Jawbreaker, The Pixies, Lifetime, Nirvana, Gorilla Biscuits, Snapcase, Kid Dynamite, A Tribe Called Quest, Give Up The Ghost, Bob Dylan, Jets To Brazil, Discount, Face to Face, Radiohead, Refused, Nada Surf, Knapsack, Glassjaw, Strung Out, Texas is the Reason, A Wilhelm Scream, The Bronx, Atmosphere, Tom Petty, Bad Religion, The Lawrence Arms, The Faint, Johnny Cash, The Postal Service, Sage Francis, Daniel Johnston, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, The Weakerthans, Frank Sinatra, Hot Water Music, This is Hell
Stanley Kubrick (The Shining, Full Metal Jacket, Dr. Strangelove, Eyes Wide Shut), Kevin Smith (Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma), Annie Hall, Say Anything, The Big Lebowski, Trainspotting, George Romero, Star Wars, Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, Quentin Tarantino, PCU, John Hughes (Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Breakfast Club), Garden State, Best in Show, Monty Python, Robert Rodriguez (Sin City, Planet Terror), Wet Hot American Summer, Arnold Swarzenegger
Adult Swim, The Simpsons, Arrested Development, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, MSNBC, The Sopranos, The State, Paranoia Agent, 24, Heroes, Kids in the Hall, Dexter
John Updike, F. Scott Fitzgerald This Side of Paradise, Greg Palast The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, Hunter S. Thompson, Bridge To Terebithia, Philip K. Dick, Jonathan Lethem, Irvine Welsh, Tom Robbins, Don Delillo, Neil Postman, Thomas Pynchon, Michael Azzerad Come As You Are
are just vessels for meatballs. find your own voice...