I could make a list of all the bands I listen to, but it would be too long, and you wouldn't know half of them.. But who cares anyway? Besides, we all know why you're here... to see if I have compromising pictures of myself like half of the bit...hum.. girls on myspace.Enjoy anyway: Martha Davis & spouse - Just Goodbye
The Deer Hunter (M. Cimino, 1978); Full Metal Jacket (Kubrick, 1987); Apocalypse Now (Coppola, 1979); Reservoir Dogs (Tarantino, 1992); Shichinin no Samurai (Kurosawa, 1954); The Young Lions (Dmytryk, 1958); Paths Of Glory (S. Kubrick, 1957); Star Wars (Lucas, 1977); Donnie Darko (Kelly, 2001); Citizen Kane (Welles, 1941); Monty Ptyhon And The Holy Grail (Gilliam, 1975); 12 Angry Men (Lumet, 1957); The Thin Red Line (Malick, 1998); The Big Lebowski (Cohen brothers, 1998); Requiem for a dream (Aronofsky, 2000); Empire of the Sun (Spielberg, 1987); Trainspotting (Boyle, 1996); Pulp Fiction (Tarantino, 1994); Once Upon A Time in the West (Leone, 1968); Metropolis (Lang, 1927); The Godfather (Coppola, 1972); Donnie Brasco (Newell, 1997); Lost in Translation (Coppola (Sofia), 2003); American History X (Kaye, 1998); The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (Hooper, 1974)... ... The Lion King, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Titanic, Love Story. Just kidding... I wanted to see if you would come this far. (..Vainly maintaining the hope that someone might read this list entirely and not be satisfied with watching the pictures.)
Anything by Boris Vian (especially L'Ecume des jours, L'Herbe Rouge and J'Irai Cracher sur vos Tombes); The Sound and The Fury (W. Faulkner); The Catcher in the Rye (J.D. Salinger); La Mort de la Terre (R. Aîné); La 25ème Heure (V. Gheorghiu); Confessions (J.-J. Roussau (Oh no wait, I actually hated that book!)); East of Eden (J. Steinbeck); Ask The Dust (J. Fante); Cas Cliniques en Psychiatrie (H. Lô & J.P. Olié); Paul Verlaine , Guillaume Apollinaire, Charles Baudelaire, Arthur Rimbaud, Edgar Allan Poe... bla bla bla... So many others you probably haven't read or even heard about.
My parents... for bearing me troughout all those years.