I could sit here and blow smoke up your ass for the next five minutes, or however long your attention span will last, about how awesome we are but I dont want to do that. You've made it this far in the bio, the song has probably started playing by now and most likely you have begun forming an opinion of us as a band. So allow me to give you some of our opinions and tell you a bit of what we are about. We are all about having a good time, giving you guys the best show we can give, being true to you as well as ourselves, and helping other bands/people out anyway that we can. It seems in this music scene there is a long list of talented musicians and a shorter list of talented people. Meaning, people that can play guitar but wont talk to you because they think they are above you. We aren't so into that. We believe that it is your fans that will make or break you, and other bands that can help you achieve more fans and venues, why be a dick to anyone? That being said I guess I'll talk about the music, since thats the real reason you're here. We used to say we are a rock punk band, more rock then punk but also didnt want to say that we were just rock, or just punk because there are elements of both styles involved, however we recently figured we would jump on the band wagon of naming our own genre. We call this genre AWESOMECORE, a word my friends Eric and Taylor have used for years. All of us have a broad range of music we listen too and there are definite influences that can be pulled out of certain songs, such as the hardcore bands we listen too influencing light screaming as backing vocals in certain parts, older 60s and 70s rock influencing 3 part harmonies, and even old and new school punk rock influencing the energy and all out "full throttle" attitude we all share. Hopefully you will come to a show and check us out. If you like the music, it's better live. We are pretty high energy, we like when crowds sing so loud we cant hear ourselves, and we like involving you. It's more fun for you, and thats what we are there for, to give you what you paid for... a live interpretation of how our music may make you feel. Thanks for checking us out, download the songs, come to the shows and more importantly come meet us. -L.I.D.-
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