Dinah Moe Humm profile picture

Dinah Moe Humm

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a comic book fanatic. I love movies usually in the cartoon or sci-fi genre. I am a big fan of cartoon network especially adult swim. I also draw comics and am going to school for it. This is my last and final year but maybe i'll get my masters someday.

My Interests

My daughter Alexis, comics, movies, cartoons, sitting upside down,lots and lots of music, beer!, books on tape, porn, girls, and comics!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet other comic fans and creators as well as like minded geeks and freaks...


Almost anything but celine dion. I like Rap, punk, metal, Bowie, goth , shoegaze, indie, alt., grunge, classic rock, Johnny Cash, jazz, funk, muppets, techno, Yes, Very slow music to make love to, Elysian fields, , like, chevelle, tool, system, blackalicious, sonic youth, etc...


Spaceballs, Anime, Comic movies and Christina Ricci. Miyazaki, muppets, indy films, johnny depp, rocky horror picture show, evil dead, classic sci-fi (you know black and white), V for vendetta, and Pink Panther.


adult swim, Simpsons, Heroes, Dr. Who, Family Guy, American Dad, My name is Earl, Scrubs, Arrested Development (rip), Third Watch (rip). Cartoon network, Nik cartoons, American Chopper, Mythbusters, and car shows.


Neil Gaiman, C. S. Lewis, graphic novels, Alan Moore, Douglas Adams, Johnathan Carroll (check him out),and X-men, comics


Who needs heroes when I have myself.

My Blog

Squid and the Whale

Ok, so I decided recently, since I'm down here alone and I get my Blockbuster online I get to watch a lot of movies I choose.... alone. This is belated but now I've chosen to movie reviews of dvd's I'...
Posted by Dinah Moe Humm on Fri, 11 May 2007 09:24:00 PST

spring break

To all of you who saw me last week, I had fun seeing you. To all those I missed, sorry nextime ok. This was a great visit although I had many uncomfortable nights on other people's furniture (thanks J...
Posted by Dinah Moe Humm on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 04:38:00 PST


today at 3:30 people were shot on the corner of my street. For most of you who do not know where i live, i live 2 houses from that corner. I woke from a nap and then heard  some incredibly loud e...
Posted by Dinah Moe Humm on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 05:44:00 PST

since t-day

this is highly unusual of me. writing on my blog within less than a month. wowzers. does anybody read these? Well after a grueling month of boredom (nobody writes shit for me you bastards!) except for...
Posted by Dinah Moe Humm on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 10:12:00 PST

my god this month sucks

Well this month has been one of the most boring months in a long time. I got out of school the 21st and came up to NC for thanksgiving and i've been stuck here since. The only nice thing is Evie dropp...
Posted by Dinah Moe Humm on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 04:25:00 PST

thanksgiving in stereo

Well school ended the 22nd and I believe I got 2 A's and a C if I passed my art history test. I bought a car stereo on ebay and it arrived on Monday. We left wednesday for NC and had a great thanksgiv...
Posted by Dinah Moe Humm on Wed, 30 Nov 2005 02:07:00 PST

life in Savannah 2

So it's been two years. I've moved here in Nov. '03 and moved twice since. First I live at 515 michigan at stathmore estates. Then I lived at 505 Michigan. 3 blocks over. Eventually my dad got a tripl...
Posted by Dinah Moe Humm on Sun, 13 Nov 2005 12:31:00 PST

panel discussion night

it's 2:54 am on Sunday Nov. the 12th. In order today I woke up at 9:30 am Saturday the !!th. My parents and wife Evie and daughter Alexis were awake. I came out to the living room and my dad stressful...
Posted by Dinah Moe Humm on Sun, 13 Nov 2005 12:06:00 PST

my life in savannah so far...

Well I moved here in November with Evie. John and Loren helped us move and john threw up outside my porch. He apparently drank too much tequila and beer. wuss. they left us soon after. then Evie and I...
Posted by Dinah Moe Humm on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST