My daughter Alexis, comics, movies, cartoons, sitting upside down,lots and lots of music, beer!, books on tape, porn, girls, and comics!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd like to meet other comic fans and creators as well as like minded geeks and freaks...
Almost anything but celine dion. I like Rap, punk, metal, Bowie, goth , shoegaze, indie, alt., grunge, classic rock, Johnny Cash, jazz, funk, muppets, techno, Yes, Very slow music to make love to, Elysian fields, , like, chevelle, tool, system, blackalicious, sonic youth, etc...
Spaceballs, Anime, Comic movies and Christina Ricci. Miyazaki, muppets, indy films, johnny depp, rocky horror picture show, evil dead, classic sci-fi (you know black and white), V for vendetta, and Pink Panther.
adult swim, Simpsons, Heroes, Dr. Who, Family Guy, American Dad, My name is Earl, Scrubs, Arrested Development (rip), Third Watch (rip). Cartoon network, Nik cartoons, American Chopper, Mythbusters, and car shows.
Neil Gaiman, C. S. Lewis, graphic novels, Alan Moore, Douglas Adams, Johnathan Carroll (check him out),and X-men, comics
Who needs heroes when I have myself.