SUPERFREAK profile picture


If it is good is Fun, if it is bad is funny

About Me

My name is Francisco Alonso Jimenez. AKA. "PACHI". Born in Louisiana, USA but then my parents sent me to a tiny fisherman town (and main port to go to the famous Margarita Island) called Puerto la cruz (Venezuela) where i stayed with my grandma and cousins for a couple of years until my parents finished college in the USA and then returned to Venezuela. In Puerto la Cruz I met the most wonderful people and had the greatest and most enjoyable memories of my life (Saludos a los panas del Puerto ustedes saben quienes son!) , that is the only place I can call HOME, the energy and vibe of that place is just out of this world!!! In 1994 moved with my dad, (a mechanical and electrical engineer) to the Capital of Venezuela (CARACAS) for a period of two years. Right after the dramatic divorce of my parents, my mother (also a mechanical Engineer) moved to the city of Valencia (Venezuela). I got kicked out of the house and my baby sister stayed with my mom ( which i barely saw grow up after that). I Never liked the city life of Caracas, it was too crowded, violent and totally different life style, eventually I adapted to it and i also got to meet great people while in there, finished high school, got my heart broken (Teenager love frenzy) and got tired of all so decided to move to the USA back in 1996 to Fairfax, Virginia with a new found relative from my father side (long story). Joy did not last for long so with only 18 years of age i had to move once again and start my life on my own. Found myself a basement in Burke and started going to Northern Virginia Comunity College and doing anything to survive (dishwasher, waiter, cook, I even worked in 7-Eleven once!) I always thought that "Shame does not take away Hunger" and that "The ultimate Goal Justifies all means". Once done with college went to Strayer University where i got my degree in International business, after that I got my first "white collar job" as an Acquisition Analyst for the Government (Department of the Navy), fell in love, bought a house and then got heart broken again and got laid off my job at the same time (wohooo :O). Destiny placed me in the real state and mortgage biz (which is what i currently do) During all these years in the state of virginia i have met some people that have helped me and given me confort and refuge when I needed it, and even lending me their families and making me feel part of them. (THANK YOU, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE). Put together a band called the papas underground back in 2002. These guys (Claudio, Santiago, Francisco and Cheeto) have become my brothers in arms. I love being in a band! I really drain it all when you put a musical instrument in front of me.Early in march 2007 i moved to florida. I'm truly Loving it here seems like this will be my home at last. This is as close as it gets to my homeland back in venezuela. I still do music, it is part of me is the only way to escape for me but at times it feels like a burden or a curse. Go to if you feel like checking it out.My passion is music of the 1940s, 50s, 60s and 70s. In fact, i like everything from that era sometimes i feel I belong there (the 60s). I could swear that sometimes I even can hear Military choppers and machine gun firing from the vietnam era. :o)Extreme obsession with guitars and musical equipment. I also like movies, movies that make you think or movies based on true stories or history movies.In general I consider myself a very outgoing and caring person but I can be very shy and quite at times. I'm very naive and i blindly trust in people. I tend to keep things for myself.....ok that is it for now ;o)

My Interests

Going to concerts, music, guitars, bars, movies...Travelling, road trips, making people laugh and hang out and laugh about stupid stuff!, Video Games, meeting people, sharing ideas, etc

I'd like to meet:



I have too many to mention but I will narrow it as much as posible. BOB DYLAN, THE BEATLES, NEIL YOUNG, TOM PETTY & THE HEARBREAKERS, THE ROLLING STONES. These are sort of the pillars of my musical taste and influence.


The Austronaut Farmer, Gattaga, What Dreams May Come, Braveheart, Lord of the Rings, Rocky, Hannibal, Silence of the lambs, red dragon, Starwars, Dancer in the Dark, Forrest Gump, School of Rock, Half Baked, school of rock, Nacho Libre, 300.


Andy Milonakis Show, Dave Chapelle Show, StankerVision, wonder showsen, mind mencia, family guy, the simpsons


The Alquemist, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Cronicles (Bob Dylan), The Little Prince, El Caballo de Troya, Veronica Decide Morir.


Mi Padre (Francisco Jimenez Sr): por su amor incondicional;The best DAD in the world!. Mi abuelo Carmelo: La unica persona que conoci que realmente era LIBRE y Sencilla!!. Simon Bolivar: Porque lucho hasta la muerte por su ideal. Bob Dylan: Si existe un dios, bob dylan es mi dios. Neil Young: Por ser la persona mas pura y sincera del mundo. Tom Petty: Gracias a el empece a a apreciar la buena musica y Paul Mccartney: El musico mas talentoso del planeta!

My Blog

Adios Lucky....te extranare siempre !

Algunas personas, especialmente los que no tienen un pasatiempo como la música, no saben lo que se siente perder un instrumento.   Como ya saben estoy en proceso de mudarme a la Florida. En enero...
Posted by SUPERFREAK on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 10:47:00 PST

Florida 2007

First of all happy new year to everyone! well after traveling to the other side of our beloved earth and driving down south the east coast i finally found what i was looking for. I will move to Florid...
Posted by SUPERFREAK on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 09:51:00 PST

On the Road...

Nov.17.06 Ok, I arrived to the USA about 2 or 3 days ago, still jet lagged and here I am in some lonesome town somewhere in the Georgia-Florida border line. Drove 12 hour to get here from Virginia. Th...
Posted by SUPERFREAK on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 02:29:00 PST

The Chinese Experience

OCT.10.2006 Ok, finalmente me digno a empezar a escribir esto. Bueno ya va un poco mas de una semana que estoy en Beijing (CHINA). En primer lugar, lo que mas me afecto fue la hora. aca son 12 horas a...
Posted by SUPERFREAK on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 05:33:00 PST

Día Internacional del Panzón

Día Internacional del Panzón Tú, colega Hombre, cansado de luchar contra la balanza, que te miras en el espejo y ves aquella barriga colgando, que sentís envidia del vecino carilindo al que le ...
Posted by SUPERFREAK on Fri, 12 May 2006 01:53:00 PST

Mis Frases, pensamientos y reflexiones Favoritas....

Here you have some frases I have learned over the year some in English some in Spanish some I heard or read, some from my I own inspiration, you are welcome to add on your favorite quotes, enjoy! "Con...
Posted by SUPERFREAK on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 10:16:00 PST

Y que es de la vida de.......

Epale!!!  bueno decidi empezar un blog y lo primero que se me ocurrio fue saludar a todas esas personas que de una u otra forma and compartido conmigo:  Amigos del colegio, musicos, novias, ...
Posted by SUPERFREAK on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 04:45:00 PST