Our TSI investigative team is as followsFounders Kris Bratlien Erik BratlienTSI Historian Dr. Ellen Baumler (Montana Historical Society)Case Manager Connie BurkLead Investigators Brooke BratlienJulia Brewer-Smith Mike Rainville Jamie Brewer Marlene Olmstead David Dick Kyle Solum
Any Paranormal groups out there that have the same passion we do for the Paranormal. Any Ghost that is willing to show its self so we can get it on film, Video, and Audio src="http://c.myspace.com/Groups/00015/72/76/15456727_l.gif" border=0
Midnight Syndicate
GhostBusters, anything about the Paranormal
A Haunting, Ghost Hunters, Scariest Places on Earth
Anything by Ellen Baumler
Anyone who stands for what they beleive in, and for those who can't stand for themselves. src="http://c.myspace.com/Groups/00015/61/36/15456316_l.gif" border=0