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Brigitte Beling

With love and patience nothing is impossible.

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MySpace Layouts Née à Chicago où elle a grandi et obtenu un diplôme à Colombia College, Brigitte Beling puise ses inspirations de ses origines multiculturelles : d'un grand-père impressionniste polonais (Sigmund Landau), d'une mère née à St Tropez qui émigra aux Etats-Unis grâce à l'appui de Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, et d'un père né en Slovaquie de parents allemands qui parti à la découverte du rêve américain. Le mélange des cultures a donné le meilleur. Rien n'est plus beau que d'entendre chanter Brigitte Beling : ses paroles touchent chacun de nous. Elle est une artiste authentique qui envoie des messages à la perfection. Très tôt, la volonté d'aider les autres a amené Brigitte Beling à l'engagement humanitaire. A la question, "quel est votre secret ?", elle répond : "être simplement naturelle et mettre les autres à l'aise". Enthousiaste à l'idée de faire une carrière internationale, Brigitte Beling en a l'étoffe et les moyens : elle déploie ses ailes pour notre plus grand plaisir. Sans aucun doute, une artiste à suivre. ****************************************************** Born and raised in Chicago, Brigitte Beling marks her return to the public eye with remarkable ease. A Columbia College graduate with an interesting background originating from her Polish impressionist grandfather Sigmund Landau, her mother born in St. Tropez, France who came to America thanks to Jackie Kennedy Onassis, and her father born in Bratislava from German decent, out to find the American dream. The melting pot will later serve to give her best. Nothing is more beautiful than listening to her sing. She is a true performer who has a message and sends it off with perfection. Early on Brigitte had developed a desire to help others which now results in her strong humanitarian engagements. What is her secret? She'll answer "Just being natural and making people comfortable." Eager to hit an international market, she is fully armed with her own melody and text. Definitely an artist to follow. Her wings are in flight.

Yes We Can Obama Song by Will.I.Am
.. ..

My Interests


Member Since: 3/12/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Band Members - Ofir Elbaz, Nicolas Brillant. Samuel Louis. Paris Collaboration: United States: Carl Gales- keyboards-arranger, Emery Joe Yost All melody and text by Brigitte Beling. Arrangements by Brigitte Beling and Ofir Elbaz.
Influences: So many!
Sounds Like: Me!
Record Label: Are you somebody interested that I should know?
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Check out this event: Brigitte BELING with Nikerson and special guests

Hosted By: BBDiVineWhen: Wednesday Jun 11, 2008 at 8:30 PMWhere: L'Etage 77 rue du Faubourg du Temple 75010 metro GoncourtParis, FranceDescription:BBDiVine Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Brigitte Beling on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 11:44:00 PST

Bo Diddley Big shout out to Chicago and the loss of our man, Bo Diddley....
Posted by Brigitte Beling on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 03:15:00 PST

Inspired By You / Promo MP3

Bonjour,Je commence a mettre mes nouveaux titres sur MySpace.Merci de prendre une petite minute pour me dire ce que tu pense.J'ai écris Inspired By You pour tout ce qui m'inspire. Merci pour votre sou...
Posted by Brigitte Beling on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 12:52:00 PST


Hi everyone, I have to run out the door but wanted to say that things are totally happening out of control thesedays!  I not only have work, but more than my picks in everything I LOVE to do.&nbs...
Posted by Brigitte Beling on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 06:46:00 PST

Im off the pitty pot!

Hello again, I thought I would update the pitty pot entry below.  I didn't want to worry any of you but my thoughts were honest.  It actually helped me get past whatever funk is going o...
Posted by Brigitte Beling on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 09:06:00 PST

No time to meet anybody new?

Hello, I am currently sitting in front of my computer feeling sorry for myself.  I decided that I would no longer let things affect me nor my desire to succeed.  Unfortunately, I got thrown ...
Posted by Brigitte Beling on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 01:24:00 PST

Happy New Year Together/Bonne Année Ensemble!

Happy New Year!  Bonne Année! I'm sending out lots of love around the world and wishing all of you a wonderful new year.   I'm  looking forward to staying in touch and growing with...
Posted by Brigitte Beling on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 04:06:00 PST

Oscar Peterson

Merry Christmas/Joyeux Noël to everyone around the world and in Space!Thank you for reaching out throughout the year.  It's wonderful to be connected .   We've lost another amazing musi...
Posted by Brigitte Beling on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 02:31:00 PST

Creating Moments and Merry Christmas!

MERRY CHRISTMAS The year has almost come to an end with many ups and downs for all of us. Being able to reach out and show gratitude to those we love all year round is  what softens our bumpy ro...
Posted by Brigitte Beling on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 06:54:00 PST

Paris is striking hard

Hello to everyone, As many of you know, we are currently in a little pickle to say the least with the lovely strikes here in France.  The irony behind all this is that the people striking have st...
Posted by Brigitte Beling on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 10:01:00 PST