hot wax zombies! profile picture

hot wax zombies!

no more pesky body hair!

About Me

Just a nice guy who doesn't take things too seriously (and neither should you), trying to spread the word, blah, blah, blah. Okay, here goes ... because she's probably still out there, you know ... "Yvonne Wayne". A cultural icon, maybe. A menace to society? You be the judge. I'm just the messenger. Maybe you've seen her in your rearview mirror - somewhere in between rural towns, on the back of her huge motorcycle. Oh sure, her legend's been told in books, movies and magazines for decades. Something about she's "found the secret!" to unleash all that stored-up, pent-up and fed-up energy lurking skin deep in all of us. "The Wax will set you free!!!", she says, as she slathers that weird goo on your skin. After that stuff hardens, and you feel a little light-headed, a little strange ... then it just seems like a gentle tug of the hair from your skin - it's weird, it's hypnotic, it's ... You actually don't hear yourself screaming. And then ...

My Interests

Thank you to whoever (nope, wasn't me) posted this homemade, "grindhouse"-style trailer on YouTube. While the film isn't as pornographic as this thing suggests, it's flattering that the Hot Wax cult following continues to live on. You people are awesome.

I'd like to meet:

While I certainly wouldn't want to be a part of corrupting our youth (they do enough of that to themselves already), I'd like to meet any like-minded people over 18 who have heard about the miracle of Chemical H-73, which, as they know, was designed during the Spanish-American War to demoralize the enemy by causing advanced hair loss, and increased lima bean crop yields. But it had a secret (to those of you who don't know) - it soon turned its repressed, suppressed and oppressed unwitting victims into lifeless, hairless, sex-crazed zombies.


Rock and roll will never die. And there's nothing like live performance - it's where I was incredibly fortunate to start in production.


Drive-in movies. Just about anything and everything in FilmThreat Magazine and - we love them. ;-) and then there's:


Yes, I own one. It talks to me sometimes. His name is "Bob".


The Kinsey Report (what a crack-up!), The Joy of Sex (yeah, duh), Masters and Johnson (no, not the ones who make band-aids), The Valley of the Dolls, etc.


My lawyer. The late Fred S. Clarke (Bill G., Jan, etc.). Mr. Hefner. And anyone who wants to believe in "Yvonne Wayne", Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy, The Good Ship Lollipop, and so on. Anyone who lives life and can find something, anything, to laugh at.