Well I love mostly all music so when I write it just depends how I feel and thats what comes out. I love other peoples artwork because it influences my own. It doesnt matter what it is I can find something I like about it. I def. dig Roman history and all things constructive as well as mind expanding. I'm tryin to make it somewhere in this crazy world so if you feel the same way Im interested in you
Musicains, producers, show throwers, true to life team players, and myself 10 Yrs from NOW.
Hip Hop, Rock, Classic Rock, Blues, Favorite First Albumns include: DMX, BiGGie, EminEm, Big L ...Also Big ups to Greater Good, Expo, Evil Dead, Awkward landing, Big Bad K9, Savin Ill,Dj Drama and anyone I forgot for stayin on the grind Nirvana, Pearljam, stone temple pilots, Squirrel nut zippers, Bit O Elvis, Alice in Chains, Aerosmith, Frank moorey
Bob Dineros, Edward Nortons, Jack Nicholsons, comedy horror and documentaries.
CNN, Daily Show, Colbert Report, Fam guy, Robot Chicken, Discovery Channel, History Channel, Ultimate Fighting