Looking for good gigs and good independent record labels...
Anyone chill; anyone who would like to help my band SAVIN ILL (original hip hop/funk: www.savinill.com, www.myspace.com/savinill) with COOL gigs; music fans in general.
Check out my (hip hop/funk/r&b/rock/jazz) group SAVIN ILL at www.savinill.com and www.myspace.com/savinill Listen to our music and then you guess what music I like.
The Shield, 24 (except season 6, which blew), Lost, The Wire, The Office (both versions), Trailer Park Boys (from Canada), good 'ol South Park
I read a lot, but it's mostly fiction garbage that makes me fall asleep. Which is the desired effect.
Um, the Japanese kid who time travels? He's cool. Really though, I don't have any heroes. Although John Bonham is my favorite all-time drummer...and Led Zeppelin is in my blood. I've heard Zep so many times, I can't even listen to it anymore.