Film/video directing and writing. Wakeboarding. Technology. Collecting gawdy watches (especially Jesus watches). Snowboarding, Watching skate/snowboard/wakeboard videos, a sexy woman who is humble (you know who you are), People with good fashion sense, Saving money & Investing, Writing, Being up to date with gadgets, fooling around in unconventional places, would like to have time later in life to travel more and make sure the family is taken care of.
Weird Al Yankovich... he is a bit too whacky for me to actually hit the party with, but I tell ya, I think he's got good ideas and it'd be cool to pre-party and brainstorm.
Always Changing but...Pharell Williams (N.E.R.D & The Neptunes,) Strokes, Kings of Leon, Weezer, Jay-Z, Shins, Tahiti 80, Zoot Woman, Chromeo, Pinback, Interpol, Air, Kings of Convenience, Hall & Oats, !!!, Cut Copy, Moving Units, Mylo, Avalanches, DJ Shadow, Ratatat, Death From Above, lil' wayne, young buck, 50, and many more, including plenty of random myspace artists that I have only heard 0ne or two songs for.
Rushmore, City of God, Children of men, Casino, The Royal Tenenbaums, Groundhog Day, Being John Malkovich, Sneakers, Good Fellas, Shaun of the Dead, Gladiator, Exorcist, Napoleon Dynamite, American Beauty, Thumbsucker, Belly, etc.
Youtube, Curb, Cribs, Simpsons, Daily Show, Ali G, Dave Chapelle, Seinfeld, Entourage, Howard Stern on-demand, Fox Fuel, The Dog whisperer, Mad Money, liked the white rapper show the other night.
The Millionaire Next Door, Richest Man in Babylon, Canonball Simp, The Long Tail
Mom, Steve, Louisita, Addey... Not-Quite-Heroes [Still people to look up to] Jay-Z, Chad Muska, David Fincher, Steve Jobs, Bill & Melinda Gates, Warren Buffett,