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About Me

HOW IT ALL BEGAN…Born and raised in Phoenix, AZ, Carl James of Carl James Photography began his love affair with photography at a young age. “Although I was always drawn to photography as a child, it all really began In 1999, when I borrowed my brother’s camera to shoot pictures for a mother’s day album I was putting together as a gift for my mother,” he says, “I ended up buying the camera from him since I couldn’t bring myself to give it back!”James began his successful photography career by practicing on his nieces and nephews. “I have five sisters and two brothers,” he laughs, “so I have more nieces and nephews than I can count. It is still an ongoing project to capture each one of them on film!”Since then, Jimmy (as Carl James is known to friends and family) has pursued the photography business in both the portrait and fashion worlds. “I enjoy family portrait photography,” James says, “but my heart is really in fashion photography. I find that I really enjoy giving new models the chance to build up their portfolios—and their confidence.”Although James is still in his early thirties, he has already studied with renowned portrait artist Ron Kramer, shot several magazine covers and produced promotional literature for companies such as Eco-Path, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Stratco Global, Inc. His location in Phoenix, AZ, provides access to the bright lights of larger cities such as Los Angeles while still allowing him to provide his trademarked personal service. “Photography is my true love. The ability to be a catalyst for other people’s success and provide a model’s fledgling career with a stepping stone to success make the long hours worthwhile,” he explains.A former real estate investor, James finds his previous business knowledge has helped him to run his studio both professionally and competently. “I’m glad that I experimented in business from a young age,” says James, “that experience allowed me to make mistakes and learn skills that have helped my current business immensely. I’m one of the lucky people who has the opportunity to do what they love and actually have the business skills to back it up.”Always adapting and changing for the better, James plans on sharing his talents with several local and national charities this year. “In the past I’ve worked with Toys 4 Tots and helped sponsor a Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation event,” continues James, “I am always looking for worthwhile causes where my talents could be used.”Currently a driving force in the local Phoenix fashion photography market, James plans on aggressively marketing within the larger Los Angeles fashion photography world during the upcoming months. “The old saying find something you love and the money will follow really is true,” finishes James, “I feel blessed that my talents and love for photography have enabled me to meet such fascinating people and hopefully this career will continue to enable me to expand my future horizons even more.”“And free time? I don’t have very much of that,” he ends, laughing, “although I can usually be found in my studio singing or writing music lyrics. I had opportunities in the past to pursue a singing career but always felt that photography was more fulfilling.” Carl James can be reached via his website at www.carljamesphotography.com

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Shane West - What We Do is Secret - Phoenix Film Festival

Carl James interviews Shane West at Phoenix Film Festival talking about current movie "What We Do is Secret". A movie about punk legend Darby Crash and his band, the Germs.