Hello treacle.
My name is Ryan, but you can call me...Ryan. My parents spent the first year of my life throwing rocks at the stork. When i was five a doctor said i'd have a speech impedemant, my mum cried. I don't have a speech impedement, but do stumble over my words a lot. I once used dyslexia as an excuse to go to a Toga party dress as a goat.
When i was about 10 I convinced my brother that adding polish to water makes it taste nicer, 10 minutes later and 5 pints down the hatch, he had to get his stomach pumped. In infant school i told my friends crayons tasted of ice cream, they tried some and agreed. I told them i'd never tasted crayons, i just assumed.
In my early teens, i spent a lot of time buying eggs and flour. Not one cake was baked.
People who don't know me probably think i'm extremely serious and very quiet..it takes a while for me to open up normally, i just don't want to offend people..for the first 5 mins. I have an odd and twisted humour, i can be friends with pretty much anyone who knows a good dead baby joke
My late teens i was way too obsessed with gaming, films, watching tv series and generally being a hermit.
I'm 21 now, it's pretty shit. Hardly any of my friends try crayons, and my brother won't even accept a drink from me if the seal is broken.
Some people call me arrogant, but thats not true. I'm just the best at everything.